3rd Graders Plot to Kill Teacher?

All of this reaffirms our decision to homeschool.

Connie, how terrible for your daughter and your family. I can't help but feel bad for the child who did this to her too. To do something like this at that age is almost a sure sign that someone did this to them too. Children that young don't have sexual urges.

LCRT its amazing that teacher wasn't prosecuted. If something like that happened now I don't think it could ever be kept out of court and off the news.
Whatever happened to putting a toad in the desk drawer or ink/glue/thumbtacks on the seat?
Sheesh! Why kill the teacher. more fun to do it the old fashioned way. Then you can do it again next week. (orafter you get back from suspension if they figure out who did it, or someone rats on you)
My seven year old sister came home about a week or so ago saying that she had seen another little girl about her age cutting herself with a razor on the bus. Another time she said she saw her two friends "having sex" on the bus. We later questioned her as to what she thought that meant, and it turned out that they were just kissing, but holy crud, SEVEN YEARS OLD!!! What is this world coming to?
Its sad now a days you have to be scared of even kids!!! Now don't take me out of text here I'm not saying this to offend anyone in how they raise there kids or anything but what happened to the good old days were when I kid miss behaved they got a spanking by a switch, belt, hand and so on. I got them when I was growing up never did any harm showed me that when I did something wrong not to do it again or even thinking of doing something wrong!!! I think children and youth get a little carried away in some of there cases. Now if the person is beating the kid til they can't sit for days then I see it! But people are scared to do anything to there kids now days!!!

Just my opinion!!
If you've ever watched "Nanny 911", about a real-life nanny who helps rescue disfunctional kids / parents, you wouldn't be surprised by this. Kids can be absolutely horrible when they're not old enough yet to have that "NO, I better not do this" switch in their heads. If they're old enough to know better, than someone hastn' taught them, most likely their disfunctional parents. It's a horrible cycle, and one that usually is allowed to continue to the next generation of children.
You are so right I think these kids need a real punishment, When I was a kid If i need a swat I got it, but the worst for me was when my mother made up clean we would have to scrub till it all sparkled. Alot is TV and home life. Very scary!
Thank god I was a good student. We had a teacher who was a real @#$&% and I respected her. She would slap a ruler on the desk if you where not paying attention and she was my first grade teacher. She must have een in her 60's. so she was old fashioned as you can see.

Cant be like that now or else lawsuits will arise. Cant be a strict teacher means you will have students like that. They probably saw the VT shooting and the other stuff that has happened. they are role palying or copy catting IMO
Gwen, you are right that child herself was molested from a very early age on by her own father. She was taken and put into a foster situation, which wasnt much better -the foster mom was an alcoholic and missed to pick her up from the bus on a regular basis. She was in the end suspended for a few days, but returned to school . I had to fight to get her out of the school and removed from this foster situation. There is no way i would let my daughter go to the same school with this child. Wasnt my babys fault so the other girl had to go. I had to threaten with media involvement but in the end she got the help she needed. The child prodevtive services investigator lost the job over this case, because she knew about the woman being an alc. and she also was the woman who allowed Trenton Duckett to be returened to his mom. If you dont know the Duckett case. he is the little boy from Leesburg Fl who was apperantly abducted out of a bedroom window. The mom refused to a lie dector test , got in more and more trouble and suspisions and Melinda Duckett in the end took her own life two weeks later. It has been around two years and trenton has never been found and she left no signs to his where abouts-.
Well pretty much as a teen. and a kid and not having to work. i sit around and talk to alot of people. and yes. the whole world is going down. Why you may ask? because of the parents. Parents nowadays (not saying all.. just most) had their kids at about 14-16 when they didn't even want them .so now all the kids are allowed to do whatever they want without even getting in trouble. i mean.. look. every where you walk or look. a 12-13-14 year old girls pregnant, you look at them 2 -3 years from there. They have a kid. their drunk. their doing drugs. and the fathers. Where are they to be found? BUT. to tell the truth and stop writing this huge long story which i could. the kids are learning from TV. and older siblings. and thats the truth. ask alot of these kids how they know about sex. how they know how to cuss. where they learnt drugs are cool. and where they learned how to kill someone., kill someone. (tv their older siblings watch). sex. Their older sibling told them about it. cussing. Their sibling taught them. where did they learn drugs are cool. ? Their brother/sister does them. and told them its cool. theres alot more to.

Edit... also. i saw that on the Local. news on Yahoo. was in jackson mississippi. about 1 hour away. maybe hour and a half.

OOO.. Edit.. i just remembered something else. (im not saying the parents and Siblings taught all their kids how to do bad. ) i just remembered how News spreads fast. so basically. one sibling teachs their younger brother/sister how to do the things above. and then. the whole school knows.. this stuff spreads like wild fire. i guess im pretty much a Psychologist. (not trained or anything only 13.) but i do give pretty good advice i guess. all of my friends . 12-16 and stuff. come to me for advice. and i tell ya. what these people go through in regular school is just.. so messed up. about 90% of the youth population is Emo. (cut themselves. or try to kill themselves other ways). Goth. (basically their a bunch of punks that want to kill people. and they sit around acting depressed all the time) or. Punk. Their name pretty much says it all. but there are those kids that just like the look and hang out with them,. but if they hang out with them. they'll probably become one as well. but i mean seriously. some of the stuff people come to me about is pretty insane to be so young...
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