4 1/2 week old Frizzle - Gender Help

Beautiful cockerel
Hi there. Are you the owner of chicken confirming? I'm confused how this reply thing works. I was hoping to find out from whoever owned the chicken what the confirmed gender turned out to be - did you buy this one from her?
I'm trying to hunt down past examples of frizzle (or pekin or silkie) chickens with photos, what people guessed and why, and then later follow ups to show whether they turned out to be what people thought they were. Hoping it will help me learn how to spot signs of gender myself and whether or not they can be misleading and end up the opposite of what the signs point to etc.
Esp if I can compare what mine look like with pictures of ones that have now grown up enough for the owners to be 100% sure of what they became in the end.
Is there a specific section for this in the forums that I don't know about? I've not used forums like this before. If so can anyone provide a link? Or to a website that keeps examples of chick development through to adult birds with photos?? Thanks in advance if anyone can help.

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