(4) 2-4 day old chicks in brooder--one has bloody stool


15 Years
Feb 25, 2009
I just noticed today that there is blood on the bedding from one of the chicks. I have a Speckled Sussex, Golden Campine, and Easter Egger from My Pet Chicken and one Splash Silkie from a BYC-er. The MPC ones were vaccinated for Mareks before they were sent out. I don't know what to do! If I were to bet on who is poo-ing blood I would say it's the Silkie but that's only because she's the most lethargic of the bunch. They're on top of a puppy pee pad on top of Yesterday's News bedding.

Any ideas? What can I do? Is there some sort of supplement I can give them? I don't want to lose one only a day into their residency with me!
First thing in the morning you need to get some Sulmet. It sounds like one of your babies has coccidiosis. Sulmet works fast but be careful because coccidiosis kills quickly. Good luck to you.
I got mine from my local hatchery but you may be able to find it at a local feed store or TSC. Its an antibiotic type liquid that you put in the chickens water for a week and it helps rid them of coccidiocis, pullorum and fowl cholera. I hope your baby is doing ok.
Just ask someone at your local feed store to help you find something to treat coccidiosis. There are several different brand on the market. Sulmet is just what happened to be what my hatchery had on hand.
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Sulmet is much harder on the system than Amprolium, if you can find it- it's usually a brand called Corid, and it's often n the cattle section because calves get it.

It's a Thiamine blocker, which interrupts the life cycle of the protozoa, where Sulmet is an antibiotic and also damages the GI bacteria. You'll need to follow Sulmet with yogurt, if that's all you can get.

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