4.5 week golden comets


Mar 12, 2020
Hi all, here are my 4.5 week old golden comets. They all look like pullets? They've all started to darken up now that their feathers are coming in.

Are they ready to go outside permanently yet?

I have thier brooder dow to 73. I'm in New Hampshire, so we're looking at days in the 80s and our low at night for this week is 59.

Thank you all.
Yes they can move out at this point, assuming they're off heat (if not, give them a couple days without supplemental heat, then move them out).

And at a glance they all look like pullets to me. Golden Comets are sex linked so most stores should only offer pullets.
Thank you all. They usually just like to sit up there on the edge. Before we put the gate up, they all jumped out and we would find them all over the place. With the short fence, they pretty much just stay put. They can easily jump over, but they only really go up on the sides when my wife or I sit by the brooder to hold them.

Looks like they're getting evicted this week when it warms up a bit. We have some night in the mid-50s coming up, so I'll wait till those pass.

They do live being outside during the days. They're going to hate being locked in the coop for a couple days however before we let them into the run.
Think they'll be alright going right out? Brooder is now at 70 and the low here is 56 at night.

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