4 day old SF chic wasting away?

Try using Karo syrup in the water instead of sugar. or you might try some vitiamin and electolyte water. you can get this at most feed supply stores. the powder intructions are some what difficlut to understand. I take 2 tbl. sp. mix. in a pint of water for a base sollution. Then I mix this 1oz. to every gallon I make up. This is good to give to all new chicks kinda gives them a little extra boost cause some have a hard first few days esp. shipped birds. Some breeds get a little stressed during this time. O yeah you can keep the solution in the frig. so you don't have to make up a new batch every day. Good luck with your little fella.
its 7 pm and day was swamped with things and tried mushed up chic feed and water/sugar when I got home.. chic appears slightly weaker and i have FINALLY separated it and it was VERY worried when I did that(hope that doesn't stress it out too much) what some people consider a small thing can rule your day. thanks for the suggestions and I will now be handling chic every hour throughout the night. HOPE.
good luck! hopefully your chick will make it! if it doesn't, know that you tried all that you could and he/she was at least comfortable.

it makes me happy that there are people like you out there that want to help little creatures like these.
can't start new post but will update back here. chic is STILL alive and its day 5 but? had decided to end the misery yesterday and the little bugar makes a liar of me in front of my son and is quite frisky and poos on me. SO- I told son(he's legal adult now)that we would just force liquids on it occassionally and see where it goes today. wish I could post pics but haven't been able to. the other chics are bouncing around and growing their wing feathers but the weak one looks brand new still. tiny. am buying baby keet food when I go out today as I tried to grind chick food in small grinder and its still too lumpy for syringe(even cut end of syringe off for bigger hole but didn't work!) so once I buy the food I will probably loose the chic(silly) but anyhoo-to petsmart we go.
It doesnt hurt to try. Its still has a chance
I have had birds that stayed the same size of hatch still 3 months old. Some grew out normally. some stayed smaller and others didnt make it.
But the Parakeet food works. Just sounds like he needs more of a boost then the others.

I have had bad things happen to chicks.
I hatched 11 chicks and slowly but surely they started to die. After 2 weeks I had one left. Found out after that it is was the food I got that did it. It was spolied or something. If anything it was upsetting. The last chick was as small as a newborn.
I bought different food and put some parakeet food in it. She did get better. I still have that bird and I love her to death.

chick died thursday night. I DO have baby bird food now but I think this chick was doomed from the start and although I feel its good to give them a chance if they're a little weak my gut told me something was seriously wrong and I should have ended it sooner. the other 5 chicks are terrorists so will have to move them to basement today. the remaining salmon faverolles(don't know if girl or boy died)is SUCH a snuggler. when I get them out its the only one that immediately crawls into my hair and stays there. have been lucky-no poop in hair yet. so altho I am worried about this one also it seems to eat/drink/run crazy like the rest otherwise. will wait til spring to get another 1 or 2 salmon faverolles. I actually hope the roo is the survivor.
can you show us pics. my salmon roo was very different than the hens from day one. you should already be able to tell the roo's from the hens.
Good Luck
OK-I have tried and tried and tried and can NOT get pics on here. I may have managed ONE but I don't know how. don't try to tell me how because I've been there/done that and it is FRENCH to me. if the pic came up(and I was trying to get another up to compare the 2 SF chics )it is of the remaining SF baby. it is darker than the one that died.[im
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For whatever reason, SF are a sensitive as chicks. They suffer from "failure to thrive" more often than any other breed I have raised. This past spring, we got 8 and 2 died at 4 days old from failure to thrive. At a week old, we nearly lost another, but luckily that one pulled through. I am so sorry that you lost one of your chicks.

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