4 hens not laying hatch begging of May


In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2015
Hi all,

I have four hens that where hatched at the beginning of May. Three buffs and one Sussex. I know that they are some times slow to start but I'm beginning to fear that they will not lay at all. They are on feather fixer and we have added some meal worms and crickets for extra protein. They have plenty of space, sun, water and food. They seem very happy. I've being hearing the I've layer and egg song for over a month now. With no eggs. When we first got them outside we where still learning about chickens. I'm afraid we may have some how damaged them. Is that possable? Or am I just being impatient? We had a problem with red mites in the late summer but took care of it as soon as we found out. Hence the feather fixer. At what point do I say ok they are not going to lay eggs?

Thank you and Merry Christmas
They should start soon. This time of year I add a month to approximate start date, so both those breeds are between 5-7 months depending on source and breeding, soon.
Thank you very much waiting for the first eggs is nerve racking
Thank you. Is a later start date an indication of what kind of layers they may be? Some told me that late to start longer to lay. Are they pulling my leg?
Laying breeds that lay daily like sex links and leghorns see to burn out easier than dual purpose chickens like Orpingtons, RIR, Wyandotte, and australorps to name a few, these breeds tend to lay less eggs weekly but lay longer in their lives. There is always exceptions to the rule though, but most of my higher production hens die earlier than the slower layers.

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