4 legged chick

What a cute and healthy looking chick! I think it is truly special. Please keep us posted. I have a blind hen, named Stevie. I did not cull her, and I am glad I didn't. She eats, drinks, clucks and enjoys her place here on the farm. I think she might make a good broody hen someday. She is a 1 year old, Light Brahma hen.
Keep up the good work!
a blessing if you like dark meat.

I just spit coffee all over my computer screen!!!
But seriously that lil chickie is ADORABLE! I hope we get to see updated pics soon!!
Does byc have another "derperella" (sp?) story? Seriously, I think a lot of people would love to follow your little chicks life! I know I would!
I agree, that was an uncalled for statement...there is a huge difference between a child and a chick!

I'm sorry that this was said to you! It hurt my feelings just reading it.

I disagree. What's the difference? They are both living things and both have feelings. Also aren't Silkies deformed, they have an extra toe. Should that mean we kill all the Silkies? No. This chick, if it is healthy and lives it's life as a normal chicken would what's to stop it?

There is no reason to be upset at the person who said that. You should be upset with yourself for not thinking that an animal should have a right to live just as any person would. People are animals. As seen in your statement.

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