4 weeks old ducklings voice change


In the Brooder
Nov 4, 2021
My Pekins are now 4 weeks old and I'm noticing two that are starting to sound a bit different than the others. I know a raspier quack will indicate a male but I also know early voice change most likely indicate a female so now I'm a bit lost and also very eagered to know the sex of these little guys. Since I only have experience with chickens I really have a hard time telling male quack from female quack appart even after watching a lot of videos on the subject.
Can someone help me out?
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I hear the beginnings of a quack in one of them, but which one I can't tell. Around 6 weeks it become more definite. You could then take each one out, one at a time out of eye sight of the others and see which duckling/s produces the quack.
That's my little Romeo, he/she's one of my biggest one that I thought would be a male! Does that quack means it's a female? I will wait another two weeks to actually sex them of course 😊 Thank you!

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