4 wk chicks distressed by the outdoors?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 28, 2014
East Tennessee
I've been trying to get my chicks used to being outside by taking them out for a few minutes and increasing the time every day. I always wait until the temperature is warm and move them to a chicken wired pen in the yard to watch them. However, every time I bring them out they act traumatized and get loose stool and just hunker down and act like they're sleeping. I can't get them interested in food, water, worms (which they usually love) or anything. I always end up bringing them in after ten minutes or so because it makes me nervous. What am I doing wrong?
I think you just need to give them a little more time outside. Try keeping them outside 20 minutes and then 25 minutes the next time and just slowly bring the time outside up.
I've been trying to get my chicks used to being outside by taking them out for a few minutes and increasing the time every day. I always wait until the temperature is warm and move them to a chicken wired pen in the yard to watch them. However, every time I bring them out they act traumatized and get loose stool and just hunker down and act like they're sleeping. I can't get them interested in food, water, worms (which they usually love) or anything. I always end up bringing them in after ten minutes or so because it makes me nervous. What am I doing wrong?


Can you put a cover over a part of the fenced in area so they don't feel so exposed. Or a pet carrier or box that they can feel safe in. It does take a while before they get up their nerve to explore. But I bet in another week they will be lovin' it!

Can you put a cover over a part of the fenced in area so they don't feel so exposed. Or a pet carrier or box that they can feel safe in. It does take a while before they get up their nerve to explore. But I bet in another week they will be lovin' it!
Oh yeah, I forgot to add that they need some shelter.
Agree with the big scary world. They just need more time. Put them out and leave them for a good hour, or more. At 4 weeks they can handle whatever temp it is outside for several hours. Baby chicks are very aware they're the bottom of the food chain, and they don't have a momma to show them what to do, so it takes a while for them to get comfortable and start exploring.
Thanks everybody! It's a big scary world out there being a newbie, too. I wait until the temps are as warm/slightly warmer than the brooder outside, so I think that part's ok. I guess I'm a serious worrywart, but I hate to think what'll happen if I don't panic and investigate every little thing.
Thanks everybody! It's a big scary world out there being a newbie, too. I wait until the temps are as warm/slightly warmer than the brooder outside, so I think that part's ok. I guess I'm a serious worrywart, but I hate to think what'll happen if I don't panic and investigate every little thing.

Been there, done that!
I had my chicks out last weekend, when it was approx. 70 degrees. I sat with them in the grass in a temporary enclosure and they were jumping all over me cause they were insecure;) they started exploring after a few minutes and seemed to really enjoy it. Maybe get inside your run with them and see if they calm down.
Ok - I took them out Sunday when it was actually pretty hot. Put them under a tree and stuck a box on its side in there and a big tree stump. They were so happy the whole day I was sad to bring them back in. What a change from the other times! Glad to have the reassurance from y'all so I could stop worrying about it.

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