4h chicken demonstration

I have no idea what a demo is/means.
It's basically a prepared presentation for the 4-H Chapter. You'd bring the birds and discuss proper care, breed specifics, SOP, etc. I don't think you're going to be able to get something ready in two hours. Better to prepare correctly and have the birds and yourself ready for the next opportunity.
If I knew anything about 4H, or what you do during the demonstration was I would offer suggestions. 😜 I don't know much about this type of thing, I hope others respond soon!

@Chicken poppy does 4H, maybe she has suggestions.
Thanks for the tag!

I think your either talking about preparing the birds for the showing, or preparing what to do for it OP. I haven’t done it yet, but i do know stuff about it. I don’t think 2 hours will cut it if your planning to prepare the birds.

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