4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

Did I read somewhere that the temps are supposed to be a bit lower during the hatch? Does that mean the whole lockdown, or just when they start to pip?
My darn bator insists on running high, no matter how low I turn it.....
I thought ahead to buy a sponge, but forgot to put it in the bator at lockdown. I'm struggling to get my humidity up. I ran it in the thirties for the 18 days, now I can only get it up to 54%. Is that enough, or should I risk opening the bator long enough to toss in a wet sponge?
I would risk it. Use warmer water on the sponge so that it compensates for the time the bator is open. What I do is have the sponge under one of my vent openings. I place a straw in the vent opening and then use a syringe to add water if the humidity starts dropping.
Good Morning! Talk of early hatchers had me running in for a quick peep in my bator, but all is quiet in there.
I would risk it. Use warmer water on the sponge so that it compensates for the time the bator is open. What I do is have the sponge under one of my vent openings. I place a straw in the vent opening and then use a syringe to add water if the humidity starts dropping.

Great minds think alike! I've been using a straw to add water....
i cant get my incubator to go anywhere above 50% humidity!!
the trays are full, the vent is closed, and im worried they will get shrinkwrapped. ..
Yah, I ment wrong end

I'm going to wait just like you said, and give it some time. I'm going to sleep now. I think it can breathe so there isn't any rush. Hopefully it will survive
If she is breathing you have a great chance!! YAY!! just dont intervien too much! clear her beak and let her alone! can you snap pics of the mite?
I have no pips yet, but my eggs the last day and a half are not always on X or O when I go to turn them... lol. :) I'm REALLY trying to just pretend like they aren't there..... lol I don't want to accidentally kill anyone by trying to 'help' :)
You STOPPED Turning at LOCKDOWN right?
Quote: I'm sorry to everyone for this I am totally lost in this whole hatch thing. I have no idea what is going on with contest. I did list the winner to one of the contest that I set up I will try to get with everyone on this issue and fix it, I have a problem with not being assertive and don't like stepping on toes. But I will try to figure this out. ONCE AGAIN I"M SORRY
Sally, what do you put on the soda can in your mouse trap? And I assume water goes in the bottom? Where do you put it? I assume not where the chickens are, but then again, why not? If they eat the mice, it'd probably be ok (unless they'd been poisoned) Do rats get in there as well?
I look up on you tube, you won't believe how easy they are to make, took me all of 5 minutes, once you get the materials together, and you don't snap your fingers 15 times before it is set. When I went out to set it up a mouse was taunting me on the fence, I just looked at him and said I have a treat for you
this morning he was frozen in the water. I assume the water froze and if it caught anyone else they were able to jump out. I am making two more today and setting one up in the layer coop...(they are digging nasty holes in there) and one in a d'Uccle pen. He is the You tube line, there is a couple different types I will be trying the one with the lid in my other coop.

I spent the afternoon working on my brooder! Still have work to do, but I repaired the tongue/groove parts, replaced the bottom and added a back, then built a base for it. Tomorrow we'll work on the wire inserts for the doors, the upper vent and the top. It'll need a good paint job and we'll build a tin pan for the bottom that can be removed for cleaning. What do you think so far?

After adding the new bottom and back (it's upside down)

Building the base and legs - the cabinet matches the cabinetry in the mudroom too!

Base finished and attached


Doesn't look that much different yet, but it's sturdier!

Please ignore my ugly floor ... this is the mudroom where all my dogs come in and out of and they have destroyed the lino ... we are in the process of renovating and have walls to move before we replace the flooring!
Nice job, my floor in my laundry room looks the same.
Ah looking through all the posts and reading about blunders and mishaps with a few of us with out bators and lockdowns and such. I am sorry to hear about all the troubles, and to add to the list myself personally, I had to leave the house today for a bit and was gone nearly 4 hours only to return home and find my locked down bator running at 104 degrees
Eggs are no longer rocking but I am going to remain hopeful that it is simply due to the fact that their all positioned inside their little shells and are resting up for the big hatch.
Good luck guys I hope things will run a bit smoother for everyone now that were nearly a half day into lockdown. Gratz to all of you with the early peepers too!
Oh no
Got up to find the mice last night ..... turned out all that squeaking was coming from the incubator .... today and tomorrow should be fun fun fun
Morning all! Well our over achievers have started hatching early. lol Looked like 4 or 5 Khaki ducklings out already. 3 goose eggs racing each other currently.1 externally pipped, 1 internally pipped, and 1 turned and pushing. Chicken eggs are chicken eggs and doing their thing.

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