~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

My broody has 2 remaining eggs under her, they are due to hatch today. I heard peeping under her this morning. Im not sure if both eggs will hatch but here is hoping
13 chicks this morning with 5 more pips and today is day 21. 4 chicks with a broody outside.
I just started using an app called Hatchabatch. You enter your set date and it gives you notices about candling and lockdown. I am giving it a try. And its a free app.
I did about the same thing. Fortunately someone asked me about my hatch yesterday so I was able to take them off the turner and raise the humidity before any pips.

Luckily it started raining this morning so the humidity was fairly high in the cellar with the door open when I moved the eggs.
13 chicks this morning with 5 more pips and today is day 21. 4 chicks with a broody outside.
I just started using an app called Hatchabatch. You enter your set date and it gives you notices about candling and lockdown. I am giving it a try. And its a free app.
I use it as well. I always have my phone on me so the notifications are fantastic. I keep notes on the individual batches in it too. I love having all the info I need right there.
I have 8 turkeys in the bator this morning. 6 sweetgrass and 3 porter mixed slate .  2 chicks many to go.   Only two turkey eggs left.  Happy Hatching
congratulations on a good hatch.

Mine started good. But has gone downhill quick.

One bourbon red out. 3 more pipped.

The bad 2 pipped wrong end and died. Another external pipped moved for couple hour and died.

4 eggs nothing yet
My turkey eggs went into lockdown yesterday. My hatcher didn't want to cooperate and I just managed to get the temps stable a little bit ago. But, they seem to be rocking and rolling already
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I went to bed last night with 2 Bourbon Red eggs and one LO egg pipped. Woke up this morning with one Speckled Sussex chick.
Looks like at least 9 pips in there now. Those turkeys are making me nervous. Of course the chicks aren't due until tomorrow and the turkeys on Wednesday.

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