4x8 coop

Started on the nesting boxes today.

Thanks for the pics! I sketched out a similar design. I am a novice and intimidated starting the project. I already built the raised floor but it's not squared so I will be taking it apart and redoing today. I need to find a more level spot to work.
Thanks, guys! It's been a real learning process for me. I've invested a lot of time and money, but it's been a really rewarding project!
I have four walls! It still lacks some panels and hanging all the doors, but it's getting there.

Front w 2 doors.


Pop door and vent side.


Big window on back and nesting box/vent side.
Our posts are in the ground. We are going with the 4x8 like yours. Maybe a little different outside look...like a western store ,but the same size. I appreciate your pics.Nice looking coop.
We live in the city limits. I got a $25 building permit today. When I submitted my drawing, the people at city hall thought it was very cool and want to see it when it is finished. They seemed all for back yard chickens.
Building permit for a coop? I think round here you need to be over 100sqfeet or so for anything to need a permit. Way to go for checking it out and evenmore so for abiding by the rules!

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