$5 a gallon of gas rant

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We do not need more refineries.

How about wind power.

Or solar?

Or wave?

Or... anything that will relieve us if our dependency on fossil fuels, which in our life time will run out.

I really hate to start an argument, here, but I get so tired of the "fossil fuel" thing.....Why in the world were they going 5.000' to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and then, drilling another 10,000' to reach oil?..............I can guarantee you, that dinosaur guts didn't get down that far....Oil is a carbon product, created within the crust of the earth, just like diamonds.....The earth is still creating gold, silver, iron, rubies, emeralds, etc. etc.

You know, if the money was there to be made in wind, solar and wave, it wouldn't have to subsidized by the government......Much like that stupid, engine destroying ethanol, which takes more energy to create, than it actually produces.

I really hate to start an argument, here, but I get so tired of the "fossil fuel" thing.....Why in the world were they going 5.000' to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and then, drilling another 10,000' to reach oil?..............I can guarantee you, that dinosaur guts didn't get down that far....Oil is a carbon product, created within the crust of the earth, just like diamonds.....The earth is still creating gold, silver, iron, rubies, emeralds, etc. etc.

You know, if the money was there to be made in wind, solar and wave, it wouldn't have to subsidized by the government......Much like that stupid, engine destroying ethanol, which takes more energy to create, than it actually produces.

Huh! I have family still living in Cambria California not to far north of Santa Barbara, no tar balls. Oil drilling in Santa Barbara is still going on with existing rigs, no tar balls when I was there a couple of years ago.
We used to go to Santa Barbara every year when we lived in Orange County California (1975-2007) no tar balls from oil drilling but if there was a tanker spill, different story.

What is the source of your information?

Corn based ethanol is a big waste of time and money. At 10% blend it will decrease fuel milage up to three or more mpg. Between producing and burning it in cars it is much worse for the environment than fossil fuels.
Santa Barbara oil spill in 1969 ?? Carol all that was cleaned up a long time ago.

Goleta shelled in WWII ??
Kozo ...During the Second World War, now captain of Japanese submarine I-17, he surfaced just off of Coal Oil Point on the evening of February 23, 1942, with his crew emerging to man the 5.5" deck gun of the sub. They fired between 16 and 25 rounds at a pair of oil storage tanks near the exact location where he had fallen into the cactus patch. His gunners were wretched shots, and most of the shells went wild, exploding either miles inland on Tecolote Ranch or splashing in the water; one of the explosions damaged well Luton-Bell 17, on the beach just below Fairway 14 of the present-day golf course, causing about $500 in damage to a catwalk and some pumping equipment. Kozo radioed Tokyo that he had "left Santa Barbara in flames."[6] This incident was the first direct attack by an enemy power on the U.S. mainland since the War of 1812.[9]

No oil damage Carol, which radio millionaire are you listening too?
"You know, if the money was there to be made in wind, solar and wave, it wouldn't have to subsidized by the government......Much like that stupid, engine destroying ethanol, which takes more energy to create, than it actually produces.?

Do you realize how much nuclear, coal, oil and gas are subsided today?

Solar, wind and wave are fighting an uphill battle against "BIG OIL"!

"Engine destroying ethanol" ... you can thank republican senators and congressman from corn states for ethonal subsidies.

They just renewed those subsidies with a democrat house and senate. Repubs could not even stop it if they wanted to.
Hummm ... Check the number of republican filibusters since 2001, the last four years have been records ... which is why republicans have become the party of "HELL NO!".
Ag Subsidies haven't been renewed yet and I don't deny there are some democratic blue dogs from farm states but I'm counting on teeparty'ers to end the slop at the pig trough. If they don't then they're out, ready to collect their "Gold Plated Life Time Health and Pension Benefits" paid for by "We The Small People"!
Hummm ... Check the number of republican filibusters since 2001, the last four years have been records ... which is why republicans have become the party of "HELL NO!".
Ag Subsidies haven't been renewed yet and I don't deny there are some democratic blue dogs from farm states but I'm counting on teeparty'ers to end the slop at the pig trough. If they don't then they're out, ready to collect their "Gold Plated Life Time Health and Pension Benefits" paid for by "We The Small People"!

Since 08 the dems have had a filibuster proof senate. Until the new house and senate come in January. Do the math
Well it does get kind of boring looking at the beautiful ocean. A couple hundred oil rigs up and down the coast would add some character to it. Maybe up around Big Sur or Morro Bay. It would help keep the cost of oil down.

I hope whoever gets elected in 2012 isn't a shill for the oil companies. California is the most beautiful state in the country. i would sure hate to see big money totally destroy it.
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