5 day old baby chicks having prolapse and worms??


Feb 4, 2023
Hi! I have 8 (5 day old baby chicks)! Novogens!
Im new to chickens and would love your advice and experience!

Worms! At least 2 of the baby chicks are pooping normal mushy poo, but then there seems to be a worm looking thing in that same poo! Its not mixed in the poo, its just along side of the poopy log they do. Their about 1/2 an inch and thin and tapered. I dont know how to attach a picture. Is this normal for 5 day old chickens? They came from a hatchery, havent been outside. What should i do?

Prolapsed vent: one of my chicks had a prolapsed vent, so i cleaned it, put some epson salt ( mixed with water), sugar granules, and tried to push it back in. When it poops, it comes back out, so o repeat the process over again. Last night, it went to bed and this morning it seems more swollen. When it poops, it will go back out ( u can see a little pink nub) but it seems to go back in eventually. The others arent picking at it currently so its back with its friends. I bought cortisone ointment (1%) and prep h ointment. I only put the cortisone on this morning. Probably need to add antibiotic ointment as well. Thoughts? And why is this one having a prolapse? Is it a food issue? They are having manna pro gamebird and showbird starter grower 24%. Non medicated.

Should i get them medicated? Is the protein % too high for chicks?
Please post photos.

See that the chick is eating and drinking well.
You can give a bit of coconut oil to help, but make sure she's staying well hydrated.

Anti-inflammatory cream is o.k. to use on the vent.

Welcome To BYC
Please post photos.

See that the chick is eating and drinking well.
You can give a bit of coconut oil to help, but make sure she's staying well hydrated.

Anti-inflammatory cream is o.k. to use on the vent.

Welcome To BYC
I’m having this same issue I just made a post. What’s the solution to this “tubular shed”. I have chick grit but the packaging says to start at two weeks. My chicks are only about 8 days old. This is a picture of the worm like thing that was hanging out of my black copper maran. I feed manapro medicated chick food and add rooster booster vitamins and electrolytes to their water. I currently am brooding 2 Easter eggers, 1 blue Plymouth, and 1 Rhode Island Red. Picking up two buff orpingtons on Thursday to add to the brooder.



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I’m having this same issue I just made a post. What’s the solution to this “tubular shed”. I have chick grit but the packaging says to start at two weeks. My chicks are only about 8 days old. This is a picture of the worm like thing that was hanging out of my black copper maran. I feed manapro medicated chick food and add rooster booster vitamins and electrolytes to their water. I currently am brooding 2 Easter eggers, 1 blue Plymouth, and 1 Rhode Island Red. Picking up two buff orpingtons on Thursday to add to the brooder.

Welcome To BYC
Your thread along with good suggestions/posts can be found in the link below.
That's not a worm in your photo, it's just thin poop.

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