5 EE's pullets from Cackle Hatchery..Can you guys take a look?

Ahhh Phew! Ok Guys... feeling a bit better..I guess I won't worry so much now..I just know the heartbreak of getting attached and having to re-home..It stinks... I know EE's are tough to sex and she just seemed to look different to me than the others.. Thanks! Sorry for doubting you Cackle! Love you!! Haaa (I do love Cackle..nice, pretty healthy chicks)
Maybe from your last post I should be quiet but....looks roo-ish.The legs appear really thick compared to the others to me, and those neck feathers? I hope I'm wrong!....but on a happy note..Tabitha is one of the cutest little EE's I have ever seen

ETA sp?
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Oh No..It's ok!
I want different opinions..Time will certainly tell..and I guess what will be will be. I am in love with all of them, and Yes, Tabitha is adorable..and just loves people.
EEs are harder to sex than others sometimes. It's really an art more than a science. Post pics later on and we'll see what Rizzo turned out to be. I've been wrong about my Ameraucanas on occasion so I'm fully prepared to be wrong about Rizzo!
Rizzo looks like a pullet to me because of the salmon coloring on her breast. No male cockeral would have that color.

I would love to be wrong on this one.....ain't the first time being wrong either because Ameraucanas, EEs and Orpingtons are very very challenging to sex!
Well, see, I know nothing about coloring on the EEs as far as sexing goes. Illia and others do, but all that has escaped me. Most of my experience has been with true Ameraucanas of the BBS variety and with EEs of my own making from BR roo over Ameraucana hens.
I had 2 EEs and one turned out to be a roo. The one that is a pullet looks just like your Rizzo!

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