5 out of 24/ Day23/Not so good hatch Ratio?


8 Years
Mar 31, 2011
Lewisville tx
I got 5 very healthy chicks but what about the eggs not doing anything? Can't really see anything candling. SOme are very dark eggs, Someone said to gently shake them and listen for peeps. When I did that some felt like something was loose inside. Some felt heavy and solid. Some real light. No peeping.
I'm not real good at the float test.
Any other ideas? I hope I have more hatch. Or is this about normal?
The best way would be the float test,
If the egg moves in the water and floats near the top it should still have a peep in it. If it floats it wasn't fertile and if it sinks right to the bottom then it died.
I did the float test. They were all the same. Slightly bobbing. Maybe 10 % of the top of the egg above the water. NO floaters and NO sinkers. So now what? LOL

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