5 out of 9


Oct 2, 2017
New Hampshire
I put 9 eggs from my own chickens and my roo in the incubator 10 days ago
I have 7 NH Red (my hen) and Light Brahma (my roo) cross
and 2 Golden laced Wynadotte x Light Brahma

out of those 9, it looks like 5 of them are fertile.
only 1 of the GLW and LB, rest are the NH x LB

I can't see through the eggs as well as I could with other eggs I hatched, The NH red egg though not really dark it is darker than ones I have hatched in the past.

though I know there are chicks in them, It hard for me to tell if they are all still thriving in there.
So right now I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see if they are all good
best of luck, I have that issue with some of the darker colored eggs, using a stronger light might help to candle them, I borred my sons work flashlight it's about 700 lum. so it's a lot stronger light but still hard to see in but can see enough to tell if egg is progressing or not
best of luck, I have that issue with some of the darker colored eggs, using a stronger light might help to candle them, I borred my sons work flashlight it's about 700 lum. so it's a lot stronger light but still hard to see in but can see enough to tell if egg is progressing or not

yeah I might have to find something stronger, with the other eggs I have hatched in the past I had no issue seeing the air cell, but I am having a hard time seeing it at all in all my NH RED eggs, which worries me, they seem to be taking up more space in the eggs so I am assuming they are growing OK

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