5 Week Chicks. Outside Time?


Oct 7, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
:D Hello! I have 8 beautiful 5 week old pullets! Are they ready to go outside? And will they need warmth? The weather has been up and down here. :barnie I JUST raised my heat lamp. Trying to adjust them to the 70s. Then 60s..
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Depends how their feather growth is and the weather. If it's sunny and not windy and above freezing, they can go out, at least supervised. Watch their behavior. If they are scratching a pecking and eating and drinking, they are doing fine. If they are standing still, huddled appearance or huddled with each other, alternating standing on one leg then the other, they are getting too cold. Start with short trips out, and get increasingly longer. They will adapt. You just don't want to throw them out all at once 24 hours a day with no heat because it could be a shocker if you don't live somewhere warm near the equator.
Depends how their feather growth is and the weather. If it's sunny and not windy and above freezing, they can go out, at least supervised. Watch their behavior. If they are scratching a pecking and eating and drinking, they are doing fine. If they are standing still, huddled appearance or huddled with each other, alternating standing on one leg then the other, they are getting too cold. Start with short trips out, and get increasingly longer. They will adapt. You just don't want to throw them out all at once 24 hours a day with no heat because it could be a shocker if you don't live somewhere warm near the equator.
Thank you! Yes, I have brought them out sometimes during the day :)

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