5 Week old Easter Eggers. Guesses on gender?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 17, 2014
This is the 1st one black and white no other coloring.

This is the 2nd one different colors...white, brown..black

Thanks in advance =)
They are both cockerels. I have yet to see a female EE come in this color pattern. Male EEs are very patchy colored and will usually have a dark brown red color on the shoulders or back come in. The females are very smooth patterned and the colors blend very well. With the exception of modified pea combs (and they don't look modified) the males will also have all 3 rows of the bumps, raised while the females will only have the midle row, until they get closer to pol.
Thank you for the replies! Here are close ups of the two combs. I don't know much about how the develop in EE's
What great comb shots of little cockerels! I may mark this thread for a reference

A pullet will only have one little row of "peas" on the comb, down the middle. These guys both have a triple row--a larger row up the middle, and then smaller rows along the side. Plus, the color is pretty much a male given, sorry.
It's all good. I was hoping for a male EE. Just not two :/. I figured they were when the white (er) one was jumping and sparing a little with the other one. Lol. I should probably hear a crow of two soon! Thanks for the reply! And hope you can use these for future reference :)

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