5 wk old with some issues


7 Years
Apr 6, 2017
I have a 5 week old RIR from my local co-op. All has been well but she has shown signs of falling behind the others in size. She behaves usual as far as I can tell. She does act crazy hungry when I feed them. I have noticed the largest Buff has begun dominating her when she tries to eat.
This morning I notice one eye is red and irritated. I have also been keeping an eye around the sides of her neck where she really has no feathers. Running parallel to her neck length. Sounds like some wetness from her nasal area this a.m. also. It has been unusually cold here in TN for the past few days though. Hopefully these pics are well enough.

Are the others picking on this one? It could have a health problem and the other sense it. Chickens are brutally mean to the weaker ones. Maybe you can separate it for a little while so it's getting enough food, but keep it in eye sight of the others so it's not shunned from the flock when you reintroduce.
I'm no expert, and I have Orrington exclusively, but I think this one is being picked on as the newcomer. Feed her scrambled eggs separate from the others and see if you can get her to catch up a bit. As she gets weaker and falls behind they can see by the light reflected from the feathers that she is weaker and will pick on her more. Chickens see ultraviolet light and they can see if it reflects properly off the feathers or not. Get her nutrition up and her feathers will glow properly to the other birds and things will get better.
She has been with the flock since day 1. She is one of six. We have had them now for nearly 5 wks.
Only the largest bird tries to dominate her around the feeder. Could be why she has become smaller. The red eye and wet nasal discharge though appears to be something else.
I am considering going to see if I can find some Tylan water soluble and give her.

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