5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long


I moved the chicks to the Brooder. The last egg is alive!

These are Crele Penedesenca and Cream Legbar crosses and lay Olive to Dark brown eggs. If the Auto Sexing is working(it looks like it is!) then the darker chicks without the chipmunk pattern will be pullets. I am reserving judgement until tomorrow for that though. It looks like I have at least two boys and the rest girls.

I really am liking this coloring. Very nice!
Milkshake is A-dor-able! =) I shared your picture of the silkie with my sister in law, (she rasies silkies) and she says if looks to her like you have a partridge! Congrats!

thank you! now that she is drying I realized she is right! tell your sister in law think you!

also, could you show her the photos of my cooked beaked silkie? I don't know if it could get worse...
When using CLs to create sexlinks the autosexing trait is gone and you go by color to distinguish male from female. When I use my CL to create sexlinks I cross my CL roo to Silver Laced Wyandottes and Silver Laced Cochin. The result is ALL chicks are chipmunk pattern but the females are reddish faced and the males are yellowish faced.

But different breeds create different sexlink traits.

It is more of an over all color thing. The darker with better chipmunk will be a female. The dark line from the eye to the back too.

I am waiting until tomorrow with mine. I was fooled with the Crele Penes--one was a boy that was darker. It was much easier to tell the next day.
OK so I wasn't really trying to do sexlinked chicks, heck I'm not even sure which hen the eggs have been from, but the ones I hatched in Sept all 5 were chipmonk, the one I kept is very clearly a pullet now, wish I had kept better track of which chick mug shot was hers. I'm fairly suprised w/ this apparently non-chipmonk hatcher b/c it looks so diff. & I thought this egg was from one of the same 2 hens as in Sept...now I wonder if one of my pullets has been laying some jumbo dark brown eggs & not getting credit (only the older hens have gotten red combs so its a puzzler as to whos-your-mama). When I can open the bator & get a good photo of _this_ chick from egg #47 I will post & maybe ya'll can make a good guess on sexing it for me.

Was just looking in on the broody, she has 3 of 6 hatched. Couldn't get all 3 out at the same time.

Oops, wrong pic, added the right one.
Gotta lovew a broody w/ her clutch just hatching! Those are some nice dark choc. eggs under there too!

I finally have something going on! 2 of my Trader Joes eggs have pipped! I don't expect anything with the marans until tomorrow (considering I set them a day late, due to shipping)
Way to go on the Trader Joes, such fun I'm tempted to try this at home ;>

& egg#15 is alive but not zipping getting on towards 18 or so hrs since the pip, I admit I pulled it out & checked -- its alive, membrane is fine (moistened w/ qtip anyway to offset pulling it out for a second) so I'm just thinking that my temps ran lower than I realized , when #47 finally exited the shell there was a good amt of wet goo in the bottom so I'm thinking my hatching humidity is fine, the eggs are just running low-temp-late :( At least that is what I'm hoping since I still have 11 with zero action, no peeping even & I'm at Day21 + 22hrs and counting. (Trying not to think this is going to turn out like last NYDH , I mean I have such a better bator & I've hatched hundreds since then, but then again I have this blasted heatpump house & we'd had wild swings these last few days in weather, and that box of shipped eggs did have a big crushed gash.) At least 5 were alive at lockdown so I'm still hoping for 4 or _more_ to hatch. hoping hoping hoping! My main reason for worry is #47 has not been hugging any of the eggs, normally the early hatcher will snuggle with certain eggs (I believe they can hear heartbeats or movement even if the egg isn't peeping) and those eggs normally do hatch, then again #47 hasn't even snuggled #15 so its all a-typical atm.
Does look like a Partridge, and OMG that first photo of it is PRICELESS!


Oh..my..goodness! This has to be the cutest chick yet!! Love it!
thanks! I was hoping for a partridge! she is my favorite besides milkshake

I want to give a big shout out for Bantambury. Not only a real cool chick but also a fabulous photographer.
Awe shuck......
thanks! wish i could take pics of ALL of your babies for you! come on down to NC I got a plane booked NOW! lol

thank you!

Does look like a Partridge, and OMG that first photo of it is PRICELESS!
YAY! I was hoping! I LOVE that pic too! ll probably enter it for the cutest chick hatched...lol

Very nice pictures!
Thank You Ron!
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so 1 outta 6 so far and yesterday when chick hatched the mom hen laid an egg (hasnt laid an egg since the 1 i hatched was her last egg) twins i dont think made it and 1 other fridge baby started out way slow but doing good it has a few more days and 3 i has hoping to hatch still nothing no pips no move ment no chirping :( but 4:30pm is 0hr so still gave some time
@Pozees @Cynthia12

you guys will get a LOAD out of this one!

So I was taking a picture of my Japanese Bantam when....

when I went to take the picture I forgot my flash was on.....the chick literally fell backwards and I got a photo of it FALLING!!!!

I THINK I may have stunned it.....LOL ROFL
I am admittedly jealous of all the successful hatches so far... But one of my eggs has finally pipped! Still no action yet from the other eggs, but that one is really shaking and rocking!
I'll never set late for a hatch-a-long again. All this hatching with nothing happening here has given me an inferiority complex.
I usually take things in stride but now

@ChickenCanoe yes I am near Springfield
My brother lives in Sarcoxie.

Awe shuck......
thanks! wish i could take pics of ALL of your babies for you! come on down to NC I got a plane booked NOW! lol
Those are really some of the best chick pictures I've ever seen.

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