5th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2014 Hatch-A-Long

Well, my one little lonely egg baby didn't make it.
It was sure going to be pretty, pure white. Tetra Tint. Very interesting. Would really like getting some of these. Haven't seen them until now.
So sorry...
No pasty butt, and couldn't have gotten too hot...I have an ecoglow in a brooder four times its size.

Not broken neck, organ failure...perhaps. I did an autopsy on her, and here are my findings:
She had not absorbed her yolk. Her entire abdominal cavity was filled with blood CLOTS (which means it was not from me opening her up). I'm talking blood clots the size of dimes in this tiny little chick. She had chick start in her gizzard. A small portion of her intestine was inflated...like a balloon.

I do not know what any of my findings mean, but at least I know it's not something the rest of my chicks have.

Oh... I am sorry...
Congratulations, and Condolences, as appropriate, to the contest winners!

1 am, Time to venture out and refill the heater in the coop. It's not keeping up, but at least things won't be *quite* as frozen, and hopefully soon either the wind will die down or the temp will rise, and it will have a chance. Improbability reading, -4.2... and falling.....
Is it *bad* that I'm suddenly aware that if I didn't have chickens, I wouldn't have to go out there?
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We also keep a pair of ducks with our "yard flock" the female even learned to climb the chicken ramp in the fall and lays her egg with the chickens!

Why are turkey's a problem? Do they not get along with ducks?
It is in a race with environmental Mareks. If you have the birds indoors, it can be effective after the first day. It just becomes less so with each passing day.

If your homemade works ok otherwise try one of these. They're more precise control

Thank you very much. I especially like the one from Hong Kong. It has a nice case around it. Harder for me to damage if I am having a "3 Stooges Day"!
No pasty butt, and couldn't have gotten too hot...I have an ecoglow in a brooder four times its size.

Not broken neck, organ failure...perhaps. I did an autopsy on her, and here are my findings:
She had not absorbed her yolk. Her entire abdominal cavity was filled with blood CLOTS (which means it was not from me opening her up). I'm talking blood clots the size of dimes in this tiny little chick. She had chick start in her gizzard. A small portion of her intestine was inflated...like a balloon.

I do not know what any of my findings mean, but at least I know it's not something the rest of my chicks have.

Sounds like it might be peritonitis. If their was a flaw in the formation of the gut and fecal matter escaped into the abdominal cavity peritonitis can set in.
How cold are you in GA? Remember, I have a son out there.
Bet if it's only in the 30's, he is telling everyone, "now this is what I'm used to." Will have to look up the weather in his area. How cold are you in your area right now?

Well it is 2:45 above Nashville TN and 4˚ with one more degree to drop. (BTW if anyone is wondering how to make the degree symbol: Press the Alt button and then the K button. I remember which one it is because the science world uses a third temperature scale called Kelvin to measure extremely cold temperatures.)

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