5th chick dying in my hands right now - help!

Another Isbar is dead. This was a younger blue one I noticed looking droopy this morning. I checked its throat this morning and saw nothing but noted some reddish looking poop on its foot. I took it to the waterer and made it drink some of the medicated water in hopes it would be OK. I just went out to check and it was dead. Going to try to see about a necropsy. Put it in a baggie in the fridge for now while I look it up online.
Oh goodness, when will this end? Now I have a month or so old Partridge Penedesenca that chirping the "help me" chirp they do. I pick it up and the crop is so huge it is stretching the skin so that its see through. I doesn't feel hard. My first though was maybe impacted crop, but when I looked closer through the skin the contents are yellow and grainy like what I pulled out of the other Isbars throat. So now I suspect they are the pox lesion stuff that was in the Isbars throat except this bird is having them further down in the crop. *sigh* I gently massaged a little bit to no effect. I tried to use a straw to inject some water down the back of the throat, but its too small a bird. I finally got out the little bit of colloidal silver I have left and used the dropper to send about a droppers worth down the back of the throat. I think I was successful. Maybe it will help kill that pox that are in there as well as wash some of that stuff down and out. I don't know. But that bird is now in the "sick brooder" in the hallway. UGH! And of course its raining and cool today. Pretty sure lots of birds are drinking from puddles instead of the medicated waterers.
I'm so sorry your having to go through this. Its awful I know. I just lost my whole flock but one to a deadly virus.. sometimes these things spread like wild fire. Hang in there and do your best. Prayers for you. Now I'm starting over with some new babies I have coming but I know how difficult this can be and my heart goes out to you. God bless and keep us posted
So sorry for all that you are going through, poor chickens. With it raining, is the medication something you can you hand dose some of the needier birds with? Wonder if opening the crop / surgery would help the PP or just do her in, or can you pull anything out with a large gauge needle/syringe?
I'm so sorry your having to go through this. Its awful I know. I just lost my whole flock but one to a deadly virus.. sometimes these things spread like wild fire. Hang in there and do your best. Prayers for you. Now I'm starting over with some new babies I have coming but I know how difficult this can be and my heart goes out to you. God bless and keep us posted

So sorry for all that you are going through, poor chickens. With it raining, is the medication something you can you hand dose some of the needier birds with? Wonder if opening the crop / surgery would help the PP or just do her in, or can you pull anything out with a large gauge needle/syringe?

Thank you, and so sorry for your loss. I really hope I can stop this before it gets worse. I have nearly 150 birds I think now (more in the incubator) and most are rare breeds (Crested Cream Legbars, Isbars, Partridge Penedesenca, Apenzeller Spitzhauben, Apenzeller Barthuhner, Buttercups, Bredas, Swedish Flower Hens etc - thousands of dollars worth of birds when you figure most sell for around $50 - $100 per chick :( ) intended for breeding for egg sale next year.
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Well, good news I hope... the Penedesenca did improve and has been put back with the others. She took a giant poop which looked normal, was chirping and trying to fly out of the top of the brooder. I checked and the size of her crop had gone down considerably - so hopefully she will be ok.
Glad to see that they are improving, hopefully everybody is over the hump now and will be fine. That is one heck of a hit to take financially and so far as a breeding program goes.
Well, good news I hope... the Penedesenca did improve and has been put back with the others. She took a giant poop which looked normal, was chirping and trying to fly out of the top of the brooder. I checked and the size of her crop had gone down considerably - so hopefully she will be ok.
how are they doing today?

I'm going to get the vaccination!!

I also read the rosemary oil will deter those awful flies!! but anything to keep the mosquitoes away is worth a shot...

isn't Kathy great...not the first time she's come to the rescue with her medicine knowledge...

hope things are calming down for you
Thanks everyone! So far so good today - no new deaths. I do have another little Isbar that is looking too partial to the heat lamp so I have my eye on her. It is nerve wracking to have to leave the house.... And we've had so much rain in the last few days with more on the way - the whole yard is a giant mud pit again :( I fell 3 times yesterday working out there. I laid some card board boxes in the worst places for some traction.

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