5week old wing slipping


In the Brooder
Dec 17, 2022
I have a 5 week old I keep watching one of there wings slide down and they keep bringing it back up. It almost looks as if it’s too heavy with all the feathers growing I . Should I be worried?
That is perfectly normal the flight feathers have blood in them when coming in and they are heavy so they have to build their muscles up to hold the wings in the normal position so they will droop they bring them back up this goes on until the muscles are strong enough to hold them in place which is about the time they are completely grown in.
That is perfectly normal the flight feathers have blood in them when coming in and they are heavy so they have to build their muscles up to hold the wings in the normal position so they will droop they bring them back up this goes on until the muscles are strong enough to hold them in place which is about the time they are completely grown in.
Thank you so much. New duck momma here and was a little worried.

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