6 Button quial eggs go on LOCK DOWN TODAY !!

I've experienced something similar. Our power went out for awhile during two of my hatches. The first time I wasn't home and came back to find that the upstairs AC didn't come back on and my incubator was up to some ridiculously high temp, I don't even remember what it was, just how angry I felt. Needless to say, none of the chickens hatched although they were fully formed in the egg. My quail had hatched the day before and managed to survive being baked in their brooder.

The second time I was home and watched in frustration as the temp dropped lower and lower, down to about 95 before the power came back on. I had a pretty decent hatch; there were a few chicks that had crooked toes but they straightened out within a couple days and are right as rain now. They are pretty hardy little things and yours will hopefully hatch none the worse for wear.
105 kills embryos
I hope you get a hatch!
I have 14 on lockdown today, really hoping for a good hatch as last week I hatched 4 and all but one died sadly. I find the only way to candle is with a very small ended torch and if the shell is the a lighter colour you will probably be able to make out some veins if not it's just a case of waiting unfortunately.
Good luck with your hatch
You can sometimes hear them pecking in the shell trying to pip. I just had to hatch and can hear some others starting. I start mine out on the parrot feeding formula, just don't add water to it, I sprinkle it on the brooder floors paper towel until they get old enough to eat crumble, also use a bottle cap for water... hehe

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