6 day old chick with a lump on its beak


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2022
Murrieta, California
I just noticed this bump on its beak yesterday but when I went to check photos I took the first day we got this batch the bump was already there so we bought her with it on it without realizing it. Has anyone seen this before? If so, do you know what it is and what caused it? It’s not a scab, she’s been eating and drinking normal. No signs of distress or anything else that would concern me. The other chicks we got at the same time as this one don’t have a lump she is the only one.


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What a cutie! ❤️ Do you know the breed?

Following because I honestly have no idea. I am encouraged that it looks a healthy color, though. Is baby breathing and eating/drinking like its peers? (Edit: you already answered this, sorry!)
Has anyone seen this before? If so, do you know what it is and what caused it?
I've hatched more than 1000 chicks (so not many in truth) and seen some things.. this is the first of this kind for me. I would consider it a congenital defect.. that hopefully won't impact quality of life long term and would be paying attention for any noticeable changes (like cross beak becomes more obvious with age), but also not concerned according to current behavioral description. 6 days.. is past the point I'm worried about internal digestion or other organ type or failure to thrive hatching issues presenting.. since the absorbed yolk is fully gone by then. Behavior is the best indicator.

Chicken math is real, so it's worth mentioning that I'd be sure to exclude this bird from any future hatching, should that become an option for your flock. Note I mean the eggs/sperm, not actual "broody" duty.

Cute little beardie! 🥰

This is a 6 day old chick. I noticed the lump yesterday but went back to pictures I took the first day and realized we bought this chick with the lump already on its beak. Has anyone seen this before? If so do you know what it is and what caused it? It’s not a scab either. She’s been eating and drinking normal there are no signs distress or anything else that would make me concerned.
What a cutie! ❤️ Do you know the breed?

Following because I honestly have no idea. I am encouraged that it looks a healthy color, though. Is baby breathing and eating/drinking like its peers? (Edit: you already answered this, sorry!)
Thank you! She is either an Olive or Easter egger it was a mixed batch. We got 2 eggers and the other one looks very similar to this one.
I've hatched more than 1000 chicks (so not many in truth) and seen some things.. this is the first of this kind for me. I would consider it a congenital defect.. that hopefully won't impact quality of life long term and would be paying attention for any noticeable changes (like cross beak becomes more obvious with age), but also not concerned according to current behavioral description. 6 days.. is past the point I'm worried about internal digestion or other organ type or failure to thrive hatching issues presenting.. since the absorbed yolk is fully gone by then. Behavior is the best indicator.

Chicken math is real, so it's worth mentioning that I'd be sure to exclude this bird from any future hatching, should that become an option for your flock. Note I mean the eggs/sperm, not actual "broody" duty.

Cute little beardie! 🥰
Thank you so much that is so helpful to know! Your response gives me relief. Google was no help. I couldn’t find any pictures similar. I felt the same that if she’s almost a week and no other signs of distress or illness that it might’ve been a birth defect. I will definitely be keeping a close eye on this one from now on. I’m not new to having chickens but new to having baby chicks so anytime I see something off I panic 😂
What breed is that chick? Could be one of those ugly abnormal combs people like to breed into chickens because they think they look cool... Some of them downright look like tumors to me 🤷‍♀️ Maybe that's what they look like when the chick is young?
What breed is that chick? Could be one of those ugly abnormal combs people like to breed into chickens because they think they look cool... Some of them downright look like tumors to me 🤷‍♀️ Maybe that's what they look like when the chick is young?
This is either and olive or Easter egger they were a mixed batch. We bought them from Kahoots

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