6 Mo. Welsummer Pullet Laying Irregularities


5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
San Diego, CA

I have a 6 month old Welsummer pullet who started laying 3 weeks ago. I'm concerned because she started laying so late, and she has only laid 2 eggs since she started lying 3 weeks ago. Is this normal? She always has access to calcium, fresh food/water, private laying boxes, & a clean coop. I've never had this problem with any other pullets so I'm stumped. Any guidance is appreciated.
I can't find the guaranteed analysis on their website.
Could you possible post a picture of this part of the feed bag for me?

I don't think I would worry yet since they are brand new layers, sometimes it just takes time.

Layer feed should be good enough for them.
Not all flock feeds contain higher protein amounts than layer feeds. It varies per feed brand.

I too would suggest to stop feeding all treats and only feed the complete layer feed to them.
Have you happen to read this yet?


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