6 months and still no eggs!

Interesting that your friends chicks of the same age are already laying. I am wondering if there is a difference in lighting in your coop? They need 12-14 hrs od light to lay..just a thought.
i have my light on in the early morning hours about 3 to 8 then it turns off, it doesn't get dark until about 7 so that should be enough light!

I think i have dud hens...to bad i don't still have my reciept lol!!!
Still waiting on my 6 month old cuckoo marans too! She's laid a total of 4 eggs since mid-August.........last one was 2 weeks ago today.......she's healthy and bright, eats good.....I just don't get WHY she doesn't lay regularly yet???? ~Beulah
some start laying at 9 months or even later.... but i read somewhere that the ones that start a little later might have better developed internal reproductive systems and are less likely to suffer from becoming egg bound. So that's one good thing to think about while you wait !
umm i have been giving my chicken layer feed for about 3 months now. i got my chickens in april. they arent laying either. did i do something wrong. should i stop feeding them that? worried......
I think your chickens will be laying very soon. One way to tell that they are about to mature is that their combs and waddles start getting engorged and red. When you see this happening on your chickens, you can start getting excited for eggs on their way!

I agree with the other responses here, put out some free-choice oyster shell. We just put some in a small tupperware, and they pick at it as needed. Chickens will eat what they need, so if they need more calcium in their diets, they can supplement it. You could also feed them some dried (or fresh!) meal worms, to up their protein intake.

I don't really know what layer feed is. I just get the organic crumble. So I'm not sure about that one response that says, don't feed it to them until they are laying. But maybe since your chooks aren't laying, you want to try changing your feed per their advice?

Good luck, I'm sure they are on their way to laying!!!
umm i have been giving my chicken layer feed for about 3 months now. i got my chickens in april. they arent laying either. did i do something wrong. should i stop feeding them that? worried......
well, they should be getting ready soon. Of my 10 girls i got in april, only one just started laying. But i have only been giving her the laying feed for maybe a month, they were on the "layer developer" before. Not sure how much that matters or not to be fair.
umm i have been giving my chicken layer feed for about 3 months now. i got my chickens in april. they arent laying either. did i do something wrong. should i stop feeding them that? worried......

It is most likely not going to be a big deal. In the future if you have new girls again or end up with a fixed age flock I would considering switching to a grower while you wait but a lot of people start layer early. I personally wait until I see eggs to start on that feed but it is a personal choice.

Some roos eat layer through whole life and shouldnt and end up with health problems. It is an over time thing.
I got 3 new pullets in May(2nd) too. They hatched April 25th. I think my 2 Wellies laid a total of 4 eggs in the last month they started squatting Sept 4th. But my EE hasn't squatted at all. He face still isn't as red as the others yet. I wish they would hurry up, my 5 SS are molting and have really slowed down on their laying.
Not to be negative towards anyone but I know how frustrating it can be when you want them to lay. Everyone thinks that because the books or whoever says that chickens should start laying at 18-24 weeks all chickens should do that. Well unfortunately it doesn't always happen that way. Some breeds take longer to mature than others bottom line. And they will start laying when they are ready. I have many young ones right now. Some Lav Orps that are almost 6 mos and the breeder told me they should start laying at 7-8 mos. I have silkies and I know silkies take a while to mature being at 8-9 mos before they lay. And then my Ameraucana's they are another slow maturer. They usually don't start until they are 8-9 mos old. Out of all my birds I have had the youngest age that I have seen is 6 mos for the first egg. And then when they first start laying they don't lay every day. Another thing I think people think. They start to lay they should lay every day. Not true when they first start. You might see one egg one day and then may not see another one from that bird for 2 maybe 3 weeks. There bodies need to acclimate.

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