6 week old suddenly not walking

Echo and Pans Innangard

In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2024
Malden Washington
Hey everyone.
Today was a big day for our batch of chicks. They moved to their new home as Pan was able to get it done and ready for them.
But while moving them he saw one of our Sapphires not doing anything while it's neighboring chickens were probably going crazy. So he brought it in
He/she just sat on my bed eyes opening and closing like they were super sleepy. Was able to get her to drink a bit. Then decided to go see if she will feel better with the group.
When we put he/she down along with it's group it tried to run, wings spread but was suddenly front heavy.

When I went to check on him/her I saw that they were in the back corner with others just crawling on it. I poured some food in my hand. I was able to pick them up no problem no fight and they ate a bit. Told pan let's take him inside just incase this was a sickness and here we are asking. I did do videos hopefully they will load.
Food has been Purina medicated chick food

(Of course I'm unable to load video)
We have found some "gatorade" it's called chick boost it has prebiotic, vitamins, and electrolytes. He's still eating and drinking. Now we've notice it's like he's gasping or opening his beak when he takes a breath. I'm going to try to get the video loaded
(Pan) I guess I will work with Echo on getting some video of the affected chicken posted somehow, we're not very big techie people... :hmm

As for describing what is wrong with the chicken.

We spend time with the chickens 3-4 times a day to observe changes in behavior... yeah, we're new chicken keepers and much to learn.

Flock Details:

We started out with 10 of each Breed.
Currently this is our first major illness.

Not Vacc'd
Rhode Island Red 7-8 wks
Lavender Orphinton 6-7 wks
Barred Rock 6-7 wks

Sapphire Blue Plymouth Rock 5-6 wks old

The chicks were purchased when they were 1 week old, and have been together since.

The Flock has been fully Integrated for 2+ weeks, and has been moved a few times from smaller to bigger brooders without problems.

Flock is fed "Purina Medicated Chick Crumbles", with dried Mealworms as treats. We did have one head of lettuce we had a setup as a tether-ball, but it was gone in a day and that was a week ago.

Day 1 of Observed Poor Health

While collecting and moving 40 chickens from their Brooding Cage to the Hen House, one chicken was showing signs of struggling to coordinate. I was moving them in a cardboard box, 5 at a time, none of the chicks seemed to have any problems other than this ONE.

He would spread his wings wide and try to run away, only for his chest to not lift off the ground and he just pushed himself along, dragging his chest in the sawdust.

My immediate fear was that he had been trampled in the move...

His legs and wings are working, just not working right, lethargic is a good word.

We separated him from the rest of the flock, provided fresh water and food, and the chicken showed no signs of improvement over 12 hours, which led to us dosing the entire flock with a Vitamin/Probiotic/Electrolite called "Chick Boost" by "Flock Pro".

Can't hurt to give the whole flock a boost I thought.

That was yesterday.

Today said chicken is still not doing good at all.

Woke up this morning to a pile of white chicken poop with a mucus ring, or I think it was a mucus ring.

I'm really at a loss here.

The Brooding Cage had a dusting of DE on the bottom/sides, a thin layer of Powder Sweet PDZ on the floor for odor control, then a full big bag of pine shavings with some Sweet PDZ Granules (not full bag) sprinkled in.

I had thought this was a good deep litter system for a few week stay in a brooder.

I don't know anything about Chickens, this is my first flock, and I've invested quite a bit of time/energy and for sure money into making a Chicken Coop that will hopefully keep my flock healthy...

I'm just at a loss and am sad to say I think I'm about to Cull my first Chicken, and it won't even wind up on my plate...

I don't have any other Social Media presence other than This Forum.
I won't be making a Youtube account or a Facebook account, and apparently Echo isn't able to do any of that either, so... here are some pictures of the chickens face... No swelling, no discharge, no issues that I can see...

Will probably wait till Echo goes to bed tonight and probably just cut its head off.


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