60's Favorites

I was once a big fan of Neil Diamond but ended up not being able to stomach any more of his music.
Ever hear that too much of a good thing is a bad thing?
I was in the army stationed in Germany and in my barracks adjoining room was an army cook who was a ND fanatic. I'm not exaggerating when I say he played Neil Diamond loudly 24/7. Occasionally he would turn it off when he went to work. Cooks would have a 24 hour shift and be off for 2 or 3 days. Because they were adjoining rooms, it bothered my room mate and I more than most but it irritated everyone. He was a workout fanatic, boxer, martial artist and body builder no one wanted to confront. I lived with that for about a year.
I was home 30 years before I could stand to hear another one of those songs.

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