6wk old khaki Campbell ducklings


8 Years
May 17, 2012
Alamance County NC
B7C23476-713D-4CF4-BCDD-98D44B9C0202.jpeg E35720FA-6092-4664-9803-B2186A3840A1.jpeg
my babies are growing so fast! One has a greenish bill but other than that, I see no differences yet. Any thoughts om sexing or is it too early to tell?
They should be quacking soon if they are girls. I think I heard my first quacks around 5-6 weeks with my khakis but it was still random and mostly peeping so it took me some time to figure out who was making the quacking. I would try taking one away from the group and see what happens.

It's still kinda early to tell. I suspect the one in the front is female, the one on the right may be male, the one in the back/left I'm not sure in this photo, I'm leaning towards female that happens to have darker coloring.
Here is an image I snagged from the internet, male left, female right. All males will have a curly tail eventually, but it takes awhile to grow in. My drake lost his curl during molt, so you could have a drake even if you don't see a curl ;) As the males mature, their feathers will look more like the one in the photo below. I believe though, like other breeds, the males will undergo an eclipse molt in fall typically. Your best bet is voice sexing when they are young and don't have their full adult plumage. @snow5164 at 4 months I'm pretty sure a khaki drake would look different from a hen as well as sound different. @chickens really do you know at what age the feathers/colors would be different for a drake vs. hen? My khakis are both hens so I'm not sure at what age it would have been obvious if they were not!

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