7 .5 week golden cuckoo marans pullet or cockerel?


11 Years
Oct 7, 2012
I have another chick that I am unsure of and s gcuckoo 7wks.JPG gcuckooa 7 wks.JPG gcuckoob 7 wks.JPG gcuckooc 7 wks.JPG gcuckood 7 wks.JPG gcuckooe 7 wks.JPG gcuckoof 7 wks.JPG ure hope that I can get some help sexing this chick. Because of its behavior I would say cockerel but at 7.5 weeks the comb hasn't changed or gotten any color and there are no wattles so far. What do you guys think?
I was thinking that is was a regular cuckoo marans but the breeder that I got her from said she was a golden cuckoo. Guess we will see.
Yeah, I am not sure how GCM genetics work, so maybe it's a recessive gene and doesn't show up in all the birds. But I believe even GCM pullets should have some gold color at the hackle. Hopefully other folks who know this variety will add their thoughts.
I posted pictures at 7.5 weeks and most replies were Pullet but I am not so sure at 11 weeks. Does she still look like a pullet?

It's definitely questionable on that bird now. The comb and wattles are big for 11 weeks. On the other hand, they are only pink, not bright red. The reason we all thought she was a pullet is because pullets from barred or cuckoo breeds have different, darker barring than males, with a wider area of black than white. But this bird's barring and overall coloring is becoming lighter as it grows new feathers. So it's a bit of a quandary. My vote is that it is a cockerel, because of the well developed comb and wattles at such an early age, and also because the legs are so thick.

I would love to know what other posters think. A consensus would help.
I'm thinking cockerel too. I posted on OP's other thread.
It's definitely questionable on that bird now. The comb and wattles are big for 11 weeks. On the other hand, they are only pink, not bright red. The reason we all thought she was a pullet is because pullets from barred or cuckoo breeds have different, darker barring than males, with a wider area of black than white. But this bird's barring and overall coloring is becoming lighter as it grows new feathers. So it's a bit of a quandary. My vote is that it is a cockerel, because of the well developed comb and wattles at such an early age, and also because the legs are so thick.

I would love to know what other posters think. A consensus would help.

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