7 month old hen stopped laying


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 18, 2013
Jefferson, nc
I've got 3 beautiful hens that are my chicken world.but i'm concerned about my americauna hen these last few days, she has not laid an egg in about 5 days I could guess. The first 2 days she was out free ranging but has always laid in her nesting box, and I've kept the girls kept up the last 3 days and still no eggs! She ate today and her stool is normal but at bed time her crop was empty. Im at a loss. What could cause her to just up and stop laying? And should I be concerned?
3rd night in a row that her crop has been empty at night and during the day she seems to peck around but not truly interested in eating.... I have no idea why she suddenly has had a drop in health!

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