7 week Partridge Penedesenca


May 29, 2022
I adore this chick but have always suspected it may be male. What do you all think? It's a 7 week old hatchery Partridge Penedesenca.



This a hard one! Beautiful chick, I think my guess is pullet but I'm a completely newbie and only going off my roos and trying to figure if they were.
My thinking is the wattle and comb growth isn't huge for that age for what I've seen, it's quite pink but some breeds seem to get colour earlier than others.
here we are, this is at 5.5 weeks View attachment 3213138

Thanks for the pictures. Her coloring is definitely female but also this trick doesn't always seem to work with partridge penes. I had a look at a FB Penedesenca group and it seems like sometimes young cockerels have female coloring.
How were yours personality wise around this age? I had read that they are extremely standoffish but my little one if friendly as can be. She comes when I call her and likes to sit on my shoulder :)
I think there would be some black on the chest if it were male. I'll try to find my photo of mine, 1 male and 1 female, at 6 weeks for you to compare.
How were yours personality wise around this age?
mine were skittish as youngsters. They come running for mealworms (of course) but most will dash in and out. The one that's a broody (and has done a brilliant job of it 1st time, hatching her clutch just a day after her own 1st birthday) will come right up to me, and knows I am her friend and ally, and so her chicks do too; and the roo isn't skittish with me anymore (but legs it if strangers appear). But their siblings remain standoffish.

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