7 Wks Later Broody is Getting Her Reward UPDATE W/PIC

Hi sweetcheeks! I'll try to answer all of your questions. If I miss one just post it again.

My hen is a Buff Orpington. She went broody 2 weeks after she started laying eggs. I tried to 'break' her the same way you did with your hen but she was so persistent she was breaking my heart. I spoke with the neighbor down the road and she said 'let her have babies'. I thought hens only went broody in the spring but now I know I was incorrect. My neighbor gave me fertilized eggs and when I got home I went out to the coop and gently laid 8 of them in front of my hen. After she screeched at me like a cornered coon she started cooing. I was facinated and couldn't leave the coop. I sat on a feed sack and watched her. In a minute or 2 she ever so gently moved those eggs with her beak towards her body and in minutes had them all safely under her. She started to cooo more and I thought I was going to cry.

I never candled the eggs so I'm not sure what is going to happen. The chicks will be mutts but she will be happy and that's all that matters.

One day there was an egg pushed out of the nest box and there was a hole in it. The egg was bloody so something started to develop but something happened to it. I think she sensed it and pushed it out. Her box is on the coop floor well padded with wood shavings. She rarely gets off the nest and I do give her scratch mixed with just a few laying pellets. Sometimes a few treats. I read that scratch was best so her poops will be more solid plus it has been cold here and scratch helps keep them warm.

I decided not to seperate her from my other 3 girls. I posted a question on here tonight to see what everyone had to say about seperating her or leaving her with the group. Ridgerunner said that there are risks using either method but he prefers to let everyone mingle together. I've decided to let her raise them among the other hens. She's a big girl and I know she will do her best to keep them safe.

I'll update in a few days. Hopefully she will hatch a few babies and protect them and everyone will be happy.
PurpleTree 23 -

Thank you for letting us know the details. I wish your girl the best. It is so exciting. My coworkers think I'm nuts and turning into the crazy chicken lady.

It is so sweet when they gently roll the eggs under them. When I reach under her and pull out the eggs and set them to the side so I can make sure no one else layed in her box, my girl also gently takes her beak and rolls them back under her.

I have a small bowl of food that I keep layer feed in and then add a little scratch mixed with raw oatmeal and black oiled sunflower seeds that she'll snack on.

I can't wait to hear how your girls do since your hatch will occur before mine.

I'm debating whether or not to take the day off from work next Friday - day 21 so I can be on hatch watch.
My husband and I went out to the coop this morning to see how everyone was doing. Everyone is fine including my hens that refuse to lay but thats another story. I was cleaning up and feeding the mommy hen ( I have a small food dish for her and she eats while laying down) when I heard a faint peep peep! It was one of the best sounds I've ever heard in my life. I'm so excited that we have fuzzy butts! I don't know how many or what they look like but I'm going to take the mom off the nest tomorrow to see whats going on and if there is anything under her that I should dispose of. I don't want to disturb her but I do want to make sure there is nothing horrible under her.

Checked on her a few more times today and this evening I thought I heard a few chicks. I'm very excited.

Sweetcheeks I hope your girl has wonderful results. Take the day off. Life's short. It's an incredible event. Not much to see but those first peeps are priceless.

I've not separated her and hope I don't have to. I would like the 3 hens I have to accept the babies without causing trouble but I think it's a 50/50 chance. I'm going to lock the older girls out of the coop tomorrow (it's going to be warm and sunny) so mom can stretch her legs and introduce her kids to the big world.

I will post pictures.
Oh - How exciting. I can't wait to see pics.

I think I would be feeling under there to see how many you got.

I'm relieved I only put 4 under my girl. Since this was her first time, I didn't want t chance putting a bunch only to have her give up on them, though I was pretty confident she would go the distance since she'd been sitting since Aug.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your new little ones.
Pictures of the little ones will be posted tomorrow. Here is a picture of our Buff sitting on her unknown number of fuzzy butts. She is also showing off her Halloween pumpkin.
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~*Sweet Cheeks*~ :

I'm debating whether or not to take the day off from work next Friday - day 21 so I can be on hatch watch.

I would, if for no other reason than this...when ours hatched last week, I checked every hour or so to see how they were doing. We had 4 hatch overnight and 3 that were put in the nest about 12 hours later, so they went into the next day. In the morning, 2 of those 3 ended up with discarded shells nested over the top of them, essentially creating a double-layer of shell that the chick would have to pip through. I am not sure what would have happened if I had not been around to pull those extra shells off and toss them out. Why it happened like that, I don't know. I would assume that mother nature has something built in for it, but I was glad that they hatched on a Saturday so that I could be there for it just in case.​
We went out this morning and there were three babies under her. Two were ready to take on the world and one looked like he/she hatched not too long ago. There are 3 eggs left under mom but we are going to remove them tonight. If they don't hatch today they never will. Mom was thirsty and didn't mind too much that I took her off the nest. She ate also. I'll keep you posted and try to get pictures.
Day 19 - 7 pm, Oct 28 First egg pipped - heard peeping

This morning heard louder peeping. Found wet shell and wet chick under Mom.

Ran in the house to get the camera. Called in work and told them I'm a new Chicken Grandma and running a little late.

Mom was pecking the chick, I think to get it back under her. I placed it back under her. I must say, I was a little alarmed at the way she was pecking considering she was so gentle with the eggs when she would gently take her beak and roll them back under her.

I'm at work and worried about Mom and the little one.

3 more eggs under her that haven't pipped yet. Tomorrow is day 21.

What a great pic! I know you must be going stir crazy at work!
I hope your hatch goes well; this is such a neat story!

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