
Can you give us a little more information? For example, are they locked inside a run or do they get to free-range? My hens will usually try to lay somehwere outside if they can..but use the nest box if I keep them in the run when it's laying time.

Did these hens just start laying or have they been laying for a long time? (because all my hens laid in the wrong place the first few times) Has anything changed around the nesting box that would be a new noise or more light..something that might be disturbing them?
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Lots of hens start laying outside the box Three of our six were laying outside of the box but four where laying in the box by the end of the August. I just moved then to the box when I heard them singing... I admit that I did have to shut one hen into the coop for four hours two days in a row. The most stubborn hen, Elezbeek, like to lay on a deck chairs but had to give up when we bought the cushions inside in October....

Our pretty Wellsummer still hasn't laid her first egg...but that's another story.
They do like to lay in a covered place that's on the dark side. We painted the inside of our nest boxes. The first time our RIR laid on the deck chair there was a box on top of it but moving the box didn't discourage here once she decided that was where she was going to lay their eggs. Ours do prefer a clean and dry spot. Some hens need to be alone but most don't usually seem need privacy from each other. I have two that share in the same box if they both want to lay at the exact same time. One likes to sit on BOTH eggs for a spell but the other one is out of there as soon as she is finished with her work.

If you keep them shut in they will have no choice but to lay in the box (or on the coop floor) but even though they lay about the same time each day they don't all lay in the morning. One of our Buff Orps lays mid afternoon.

The other thing to consider is that hens don't lay every day this time of year and you are libel to have lots of squawking and complaining if you shut them in all day.
Have you tried scooping them up and putting them in the next box when they are getting ready? All our hens where very vocal when they laid their first few eggs...seems like it went on for hours so I had plenty of time to put them in the nest box though I did resort to locking one of them into the coop a couple of times.

Last thing. Have you already up a golf ball or fake egg into your next box(s)?. If not, try it. It really seems to help.
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If they free range, they just dont know where to go to lay eggs. lock them up just few days and put fake eggs or golf balls in their nest box. they will get the idea.

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