7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

We have a zipper!

Dog woke me up. Two chicks pipping and must have spooked her. Marans and one shipped. Going back to bed.

Good Dog!


No progress on my longest pipped egg... 20+ hours now. 3 more are pipped...

When I set the eggs, I had today off - but now I need to go in to work. I hope they wait for me to pop out of their shells!
If the long pipper is not out when you get home from work, you may need to assist. Read the guide to assisted hatching--it will help a lot!
Like the Hulk!
Through a brick wall!
That's awesome!!

Hahahahaha!!!! I bet that was cool to watch. How are your eggs doing. I know I saw yesterday you had a pip!!!

It was amazing! They are the New Delawares so a re created line and they are very robust compared to the old lines.
Marans is laying or stuck in his shell half in half out. Very dry. Humidity is at 65% so I'm not sure why so dry. 4 shipped are pipped now.
Marans are often sticky. They do not absorb the yolk well for whatever reason and they like to hats a day or so late. For this hatch, it may have been from shipping stress.

You are doing fine with them!

Went to bed with 5 hatched 2 pips, woke up to 12 hatched. Have 15 now aand 3 pips. 12 in my temp brooder box.

This is going to sound crazy..... I woke up this morning to a hatched chick, and several pips. But I can't find an empty shell. Where could it be?

It is likely closed back up or the top is flipped inside of an egg space if using an egg carton.

You will find it!
Does anyone think Pensmaster should moisten the membrane?
I had to moisten on with Bacitracin my last hatch.....
Don't take my word Pensmaster, let the experts chime in!
I guess it would depend on how many are still in there?
Don't want to shrink wrap any.
Where , oh where is @sallysunshine
There is a risk that opening the incubator can harm the other chicks. It is often best to leave them alone--and look for the membrane to look brown.

The biggest mistake made is assisting too early. So,

Make sure you can see it moving
wait at least 24 hours
when you decide to help, wait until the others have finished hatching and there are not pips

Sometimes moistening will work but if the chick has not absorbed the yolk, it will be glued into the shell. Those have to be broken out very carefully. You can hurt them or kill them if you are not careful.

Also, watch those that hatch like that. They will often have pasty butt and or other health issues--related to not absorbing the yolk. They will need baby drop vitamins without iron.
I got scared out of my mind a moment ago. I heard cheeping. If you missed it, none of my eggs made it. For a second I thought that I had washed a live check down the drain or something. Obviously silly since they were dead by about a week.
I have this happen all the time during a hatch!

Sorry you lost them this time.

I haven't posted on this thread lately, so here's my update. I set 7 barred rock eggs on the 12th. All candled good on the 19, 26th, and yesterday afternoon (30th) before locking them down. I had an internal pip on one early this morning. Looks like they're right on schedule for a Jan. 1 hatch...

Yesterday evening:

Early this morning:

You will have chicks soon.

Have 13 Serama in lock down. 3 pipped this morning before 8 am EST. Sweaty palms waiting for more. Pacing back and forth with dogs on my heels checking bator.
I can't wait to see pictures!
Cute! Are you getting a flock mate for Hen Solo?

Woke up this am to 8 babys in my hatcher and more eggs pipped im so excited for baby chicks!
That is great news!

Okay... Another question. What if it actually starts zipping ( I think I am using the right word) and then stops? Is that normal? Maybe I need to go away and stop watching. Ha ha
Some do and some do not take a break. Watch for progress, movement and etc. Sometimes they pip into a vein and die. Rarely a chick will be a late quitter and die during zipping.

Leave it alone for a day. If it has stopped then it may need to either rest or let the yolk absorb more.
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