8 - 10 wk old roo has head down between legs and shakes it. Cant stand, pushes backwards

I also used a liquid no iron vitamin, but added selenium and Vitamin E. I made a cocktail and used a dropper at first. Hydration is very important. Ike was such a good eater though, I could soon just mix with mash for him.
Good luck, it's very hard to know what to do and just watch in the meantime...
I think I know what your bird has. My Muscovy had trauma as a duckling to the head and it neurologically messed him up. Same with another chick I had. It causes them to suddenly go into shock or have sudden seizures. Sadly both of mine passed away.

They can be as normal as can be, walking around and just lock up. I'm thinking it could be a stroke, also. And that when they get better it's just like physical therapy for a person. My Muscovy didn't start having these seizure till he was able to fly. One day when in training ( yes, I train my ducks to fly ) he's soared and finally learned to fly! He took off over the house and around and had a perfect landing into the pond and came up to me for his treat! Next week we tried again, I walked up onto our deer blind and tossed him into the air. He soared around, took up into the clouds as happy as ever. Then it happened. He locked up in mid air, super high up. He started a nose dive and crashed. All the other muscovies came over to see him. ( you know how when a bird dies they have the " spaz " thing? ) he started twisting his neck and flapping when I looked over, I got inside the coop and started crying. I thought I had just murdered him, " Stupid Training," why didn't I just clip his wings...." Then I looked up and he was sitting next to me waiting for his treat! I was astonished! I was like " wha-what! I'm so seeing things..." but no he just had a seizure and locked up. He eventually died after 17 seizures 3 days ago.
Two doses and already doing better!
I have a Jersey Giant, about 6 weeks, walking backwards, head dropped under its body, seams to twitch quite a bit, occasionally picks its neck up but head is still tucked. Anything seems to scare the bird causing it to drop and tuck its head and walk backwards trying to hide in the corner, backed in. Has eaten Nutrina medicated chick starter since it was no more than 1 week old. I'm concerned this could be transferred to the other chicks. I have this one isolated now. I've scanned the web looking for an diagnosis, I see others with the same or at least similar symptoms but no clear cause.

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