8 week coturnix not laying

I tried to vents sex to these, Texas A&M. I have 4 in a cage and I think one is male and I get 2-3 eggs a day...but then 8 siblings are in another cage, and no eggs! I don't hear them crow. I can't tell.
I don’t know how to sext them? I know I have two males that are crowing for sure. One is a wild Coturnix so it’s easy to tell the color. The others are tuxedos and hybrids so I have no idea to tell who is a male. Any tips would help.
How do I sexy the ones that are not pharaoh. The other ones are a mix of tuxedo and other kinds

As long as they are sexually mature you can do a quick test for foam.

Gently squeeze their vents and if foam comes out its male, if not it's female. Males tend to have a lump too.

Here's a video that shows it:
As long as they are sexually mature you can do a quick test for foam.

Gently squeeze their vents and if foam comes out its male, if not it's female. Males tend to have a lump too.

Here's a video that shows it:
yeah, tried that. no foam yet. I hear one crow every other day.
yeah, tried that. no foam yet. I hear one crow every other day.

I'm not sure of any other way other than than that, also watch for them mounting the females and of course crowing. Males tend to me smaller in size too.

You may just have to hold on a while till they develop a bit more. The whites and other fancy colours are lovely, just a pain to know what's male and what's female.​
Weather? I k ow extreme.heat can play havoc with them but otherwise I never see any drop off in production unless their water runs out and I dont catch it which never happens now cuz I have 15 gallons instead of 5
I'm not sure of any other way other than than that, also watch for them mounting the females and of course crowing. Males tend to me smaller in size too.

You may just have to hold on a while till they develop a bit more. The whites and other fancy colours are lovely, just a pain to know what's male and what's female.​
I moved a large one out, I think is male. and I saw two shellless eggs in the older pen. My smallest birds were the ones laying eggs..so I'm still not sure.

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