8 Week Old Barred Rocks- Hens or Roosters? Please help!


Mar 26, 2015
Hello, We are first time chicken owners and have four 8-9 week old barred rocks. We have noticed that one or some of them have been crowing in the morning when we are outside but have not been able to determine which chicken it is. We are looking for help or advice on how to determine whether they are roosters or hens. I have attached some pictures below and will try to get better ones soon. Also wondering what noises are typical of chickens this age and if we are overreacting to the sounds we're hearing in the morning! Thanks!

I see a whole lot of cockerels at 8-9 weeks -- is the one with it's back to the camera in picture 3 shown with it's head showing in any of these photos and, if not, can you take a head shot of it?
I see a whole lot of cockerels at 8-9 weeks -- is the one with it's back to the camera in picture 3 shown with it's head showing in any of these photos and, if not, can you take a head shot of it?

Also, your birds are not Barred Rocks, since they have rose combs. Instead, they are Dominiques.
Oh dear... But thank you so much all of you for the feedback. Thankfully the farmer we got them from said he would let us come back and swap them out but I am a little worried we will end up with more roosters. So sad to say goodbye to these birds!
Oh dear... But thank you so much all of you for the feedback. Thankfully the farmer we got them from said he would let us come back and swap them out but I am a little worried we will end up with more roosters. So sad to say goodbye to these birds!

Did he say you would be swapping for young chicks or could you ask about swapping for started birds that are of an age where you can be more assured of the gender when you make the swap? If he tells you how old the birds will be we can help you know what to look for to avoid another problem.

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