8 week old Silkie cockerels? Need breeder eyes


Aug 13, 2020
Rochester, NY
These two have been driving me crazy! I know it's a bit early, and I am withholding judgement on the rest of this batch, but are these 2 looking like cockerels?


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Thank you! Until last week I was certain the black one was a pullet, then her crest began to look square & her comb began to look more like a U than a V. I suspected the white one was a cockerel since week 2, so no surprise there. I will try to get better pics of all 4 chicks when I update. Their crests are growing and changing daily right now, so I keep changing my mind!
These two have been driving me crazy! I know it's a bit early, and I am withholding judgement on the rest of this batch, but are these 2 looking like cockerels?
Oh goodness now you have me worried LOL I have 9 week old silkies and I know I have one male satin he is in my profile pic here but my other white one named eggs (named by my 2 yr old granddaughter) looks like yours I thought she was a hen but I might be wrong! need to post a photo to see what those with more expertise think this is my first time raising silkies I purchased some fertile eggs and let my only silkie hen who was broody hatch them.
This is eggs :) I thought she was a hen but am I wrong? I got fertile eggs from a local farm that had both frizzles and silkies. Eggs is 9.5 weeks and looks a bit like the cute white baby in this post


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Obviously I'm not an expert, since I was seeking advice myself, but that sure looks like a big walnut comb for 9.5 weeks & I also see streamers. I'm guessing a cockerel.
Obviously I'm not an expert, since I was seeking advice myself, but that sure looks like a big walnut comb for 9.5 weeks & I also see streamers. I'm guessing a cockerel.
Thank you! I have no Idea what to look for in this breed this would be my 4th Cockerel this season 2 jerseys the little satin and now eggs LOL I am hopeful I can keep them we have room and so far all get along and there are plenty of ladies crossing my fingers! Thanks again!

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