8 year old hen laying eggs again

My eldest surving bird was a Delaware of 8 years old who layed regularly every summer and every once in a while during winter whith no lighting! Ironically I lost her to going Broody(first time in her ENTIRE LIFE) outside the coop while I was out of town whith 13 eggs :( coyote didn't even eat all the eggs! So no need to worry your hens not abnormal lol just a lady taking up post as a working woman in the hen world a bit longer :D
:hugs Sorry to hear that.
Worrying about what may or may not happen does no one any good. There is no way to stop her from laying eggs anyway. Yes, she could get egg bound. But then, a year old chicken, a 3 year old chicken, or a 5 year old chicken can potentially all get egg bound. You are giving her a great life if she is still laying the occasional egg at her age. I would take that to mean she is healthy and happy.
I believe stress to be a significant cause of premature death with our birds.

My flock lives a cushy stress free life. Quality food, water, grit and oyster shell, 24/7.

Sufficient spacing, 5-6 square feet per bird indoor, an additional 16 -17 square feet per bird outdoor run available 24/7. 30% under cover for those rainy or snowy days.

Coop and run has never been breached by any predator since I built it 14 years ago. Many have tried, including fox, large domestic dogs, and the relentless raccoons...

The birds apparently know this. I have watched all sorts unsuccessfully try to grab a quick meal, while the meal watched with curiosity, until they got bored and went about their chicken business. Often feet, sometimes just inches, away. They have successfully pecked the whiskers off a kit fox through the 1/2" hardware cloth separation. They have lost their fear, and associated life stress. Although not all, many seem to live above average life expediencies, and continue to lay eggs throughout.
That's amazing! I have a RIR that is approaching 3 years old. She was laying really well for first two years. Eggs became chalky and she has not layed an egg in a year!! Will she ever lay again?? Is there hope for her? She looks in perfect health. Tried everything over the last year with changing foods, deworming, supplements. :idunno

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