$80 to put a chicken down?

As someone who has worked in a Vet office for over a decade. Your $40-100 euthanasia charge isn't for the 3 CC's of Beuthasol. You are paying (like it or not) for the Vets time, the exam and emotional exhaustion. When your pet is put to sleep, and you are sobbing (which is typically the case with most pets) - it takes a toll on everyone in the room. You, the animal, the Tech and the Vet. It's hard and it pretty much ruins EVERYONES day. While any charge over $50 seems high to me, it is a task that no one wants to be put through, so I get why a lot of Vets charge more - simply because they would rather have you take it somewhere else. I'm not defending - simply explaining.
Really, I just euthanized my old girl. It was actually a blessing to be able to do it rather than let her die at home.
It is part of loving a dog. It was sad but but watching her waste away when she couldn’t do anything on her own was heartbreaking. But I am probably not youraverage pet owner.
I have always taken care of my own vet care with my chickens. I don't own firearms, or have a sharp ax/knife to kill her humanely at home. At the time this was the best option. I think I am going to talk to the manager and fight the charge. $80 for 3cc of anesthetic to put down my chicken seems a little insane.
Did they dispose of the body?

Ditto @bobbi-j
Cervical Dislocation is shown in this video at about 1:00,

it's the only CD video I've found that doesn't remove the head.

Notice the slight divot in the ground under the stick and neck, this will keep the bird from being choked.

Notice that she slowly stretches out the neck and legs before giving the short sharp jerk that breaks the neck close to the skull, this is key to success IMO.

I've found this technique to be very effective.
When it is time to help one of my much loved companion animals through the ending of life, I am most grateful for the kindness and compassion shown at the Vet's office.

This past August, after months of trying to ease pain and suffering, it was time to help my 10 year old Flat Coat Retriever on his way. It was quick, peaceful and everyone was in tears, including the Vet who has been in practice quite a while. I could never fault the Vet Practice with how they charge for this - and do not see their fees as profiting from my sorrow.
The dog might have lived another day, or part of one had we not helped him. That is irrelevant to me. What mattered was providing him with a "good death".

Over the years, the majority of my companion animals have had help as they reached the end of their road. It seems to me to be part of compassionate care-giving and it is something I cannot personally provide.

Our Vet's office does not see chickens. If they did and I had one approaching the end and wanted to expedite the process, I would gladly pay their fees.
As someone who has worked in a Vet office for over a decade. Your $40-100 euthanasia charge isn't for the 3 CC's of Beuthasol. You are paying (like it or not) for the Vets time, the exam and emotional exhaustion. When your pet is put to sleep, and you are sobbing (which is typically the case with most pets) - it takes a toll on everyone in the room. You, the animal, the Tech and the Vet. It's hard and it pretty much ruins EVERYONES day. While any charge over $50 seems high to me, it is a task that no one wants to be put through, so I get why a lot of Vets charge more - simply because they would rather have you take it somewhere else. I'm not defending - simply explaining.

:clap :clap :clap :clap

From an ex-vet....

(Also, you are paying for the veterinarian's expertise and education. Vets don't make a ton of money like people think. We make little money and have gigantic school loans. The debt to income ratio is ridiculous. I hate when people complain about the cost of vet care, because in comparative terms to human medicine, you are getting a bargain.

Euthanasias are one of the most heartbreaking things to have to do as a vet. I do not miss it, although I am all for ending suffering, and it is a gift a compassionate vet gives an animal and their owner. Why people think it should be $5.00 is beyond me.

One final thought: It doesn't take 3 cc's of euthanasia solution to put down a chicken. It is 1 cc for 10 pounds. So that would be one big monster of a chicken, lol)
One final thought: It doesn't take 3 cc's of euthanasia solution to put down a chicken. It is 1 cc for 10 pounds. So that would be one big monster of a chicken, lol)
Slightly off topic... I noticed some of the solutions say dogs only, why is that? Do cats usually get something different?

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