
Sounds like we're on the same boat lol I

I say do it! If you add it today then it could hatch! If you don't put it in there at all then you will never know if it could have hatched instead of going to waste
I would chance it as it's an irreplaceable egg.

Well, this egg is from Eileen (my other laying Silkie), not Rosie. It was more like, well, if I have eggs in there already, should I add another one, ha!

*Project Resurrecting Rosie
I have some almost 4 week old chicks inside right now, and when they were little, one of them would sleep like this. I thought he was dead, but he would freak out when I touched him. He acted totally normal and healthy otherwise, but when he would lie down to sleep, he would lay full on his back or stretched out on his side just like this.

That's a good sign. :)
So I'm going to set some eggs fathered by the cockerel on the right. This is a test to see if he passes on his genes for size.

Ok, I'm so sorry .. I am just getting back on since this morning!


I have no idea if anyone has mentioned this yet..have seen that electrolytes have been suggested, but.. what would work better, is the baby vitamin. Poly Vitamin Drops..without the iron. Works miracles! Especially if this baby has wry neck! I am catching up..will see if this has been mentioned. If not..get the vitamin's in it soon.

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