8X4 Homemade coops(post please)


Mar 19, 2016
Please post your coops for 8 birds and runs! I need ideas of coops and there prices! I'm looking cheap !
Thanks everyone I hope I get a lot of ideas!
Not to be a killjoy, 32 sq ft seems a bit small for 8 birds. This may be why you're getting less of a response.
It's proven that Each bird needs 3-4 sq ft of inside space if aloud free ranging or plenty of outside space also. And not to be mean or anything but I don't no how you would no what breeds of birds I have which changes the size of coop needed. Bantams and small birds can have 2-3 sq ft when full grown bigger breeds need more. And I've seen people on here with a lot more birds then this in a coop that could fit maybe a capacity of 10. If you want to talk more about this just PM me.
I've got a 7X4. Cut it shot to use the extra wood on the exterior mounted nest box(s). Had 14 LF birds in it last year. If you plan to keep birds cooped in winter you need a lot more space, I let mine out every day no matter the temp. Sure on -30F mornings they opt to stay in until it warms up above -10F later in the day.

It on skids to move to new forage with lawn tractor. That run is 164' electric netting with hot gate. This is the summer set up. Winter is in a large kennel parked right in front of a lean to I threw up last fall for them. Back side is covered with tarp 4 ft up as wind break.

How many more birds do you think I could fit in this grow out coop?

They put themselves to coop each night with no problems. Two things make this possible: Being brood mates and the variety/breed we keep are very well behaved.
I'm sorry, maybe I misinterpreted. I read 8x4 coop and run. I inferred 8x4 coop and run to mean 32 sq ft total. I agree with your 3-4 sq ft inside space if allowed to free range analysis. However, I don't think it matters what the breed, if we're talking 32 sq ft for 8 birds total. Not sure why you seem quite so defensive, maybe you should be a bit more specific next time...
After seeing the two new posts while I was posting, maybe I should qualify. I have a couple nearby neighbors with "chicken tractors", totaling about 5x10 on the ground with 8 chickens. The poor girls are packed in there. I totally agree that if they freelance all the time, you're probably good and my observation was misplaced. That said, people cramming way too many girls into way too small an area is not uncommon.

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