9 day old Buff Orpington gasping for air- Help please.


8 Years
Jan 16, 2012

9d old Buff Orpington gasping for air, has been doing it for the last 6 hours. She is barely eating and not eating, only defecated once that I saw in the same amount of time. Took her to the local Agway, where we bought her and they thought maybe some respiratory issue and sold us Durvet Duramycin-10 Tetracycline Hydrochloride Soluble Powder

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Are they on medicated feed? Medicated feed helps somewhat in preventing Cocci which is a very common issue with chicks. I would look up the symptoms of Cocci also. Duramycin should help if its respiratory.
No blood, just white "diarrhea" type droppings and not many. We separated her from the other 5 chicks and gave them the Durvet "just in case". They all seem well. I did not notice drunk, just the gasping that never stopped.
Thank you <3 she was very sweet and will be missed. I appreciate your help.
Aspergillosis. Check it out, lost one to it because it got picked on and beat up by its siblings. Gasping for air after drinking, drank a lot, rapid, someone labored breathing, stunted growth, puffed out, and somewhat lethargic. But it would food run normally and ate normally; normal stool

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