9 hatching next week/chances of mostly males?


7 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
We did start with 12 but now we're down to 9. I plan on selling them all since we're low on space for more adults.
I just will feel terrible if one person got mostly males and only 1 female when they start quacking/raspy quack. I understand that it won't be my fault since it's too dangerous to vent sex them.

What's the possible ratio of males/females hatching next week?
Your most probable outcome is 1/2 girls and 1/2 boys (or 5 and 4) same as if you flipped a coin 9 times. That said, I tend to get more females than males. A friend, who raises a lot of poultry and has be hatch eggs for him, claims it is because I incubate a touch warm favoring girls. :idunno
Incubation heat doesn't decide sex. It's all based on the mothers. Poultry have the sex chromosomes backwards of humans. Females are ZW and males are ZZ. If you're mostly getting males, it's best to replace the female.
Incubation heat doesn't decide sex. It's all based on the mothers. Poultry have the sex chromosomes backwards of humans. Females are ZW and males are ZZ. If you're mostly getting males, it's best to replace the female.
I totally agree with you, am aware of the chromosomes, and wasn’t implying that temperature determines gender. Which is why I started my reply with 50:50. My friends theory is something about who hatches first. He thinks the ones of mine that do not hatch are males.

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