9 months, no eggs, salpingitis, now fairy egg?


8 Years
Sep 6, 2015
Central Massachusetts
I have a 2 1/2 year old barred rock hen...she's had multiple issues in the past so she lives in my house at night (long story). She used to lay an egg every day without fail, but suddenly stopped about 9 months ago. I took her to the vet after 4 months had passed when I realized it wasn't related to winter/molting. Vet suspected beginnings of salpingitis after an ultrasound. Because my hen was doing great otherwise, we decided to hold off on spaying her.
Fast forward to today...she still sleeps in her little nesting box sometimes...I found a fairy egg in it this morning! Part of me is hoping she is "healed" and maybe will start laying again??
Could be the artificial lights of being in the house is messing with her natural laying cycle which responds to the amount of daylight. What are you feeding her? Which will also affect egg production.
She is fed Purina Flock Raiser, free choice oyster shell. She free ranges with the flock during the day. She gets maybe 1/8 cup of treats in her treat ball to keep her busy when she is inside once a day which consists of a mix of BOSS, mealworms and crickets. I am conscious of the light, so I make sure that she gets "bedtime"...although she obviously is getting more light than everyone else at this point simply because we are up later with the lights on where her cage is situated versus the girls outside in the coop at this time of year. So she gets darkness from about 10pm until sunrise at this point.
We did not treat her salpingitis at the time. Because she was not showing any signs other than not laying, I held off on antibiotics. My plan was to try those if she started to show any signs of illness, then proceed with surgery if necessary.

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