9 Week Old Buff Orpington Cockerel Trying to Mate? Is This Normal?


Apr 11, 2024
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
Today I was cleaning my chicken coop and watching my 9 week old chicks explore. As I was watching them, one of my 9 week old Buff Orpington cockerels seemed to try and mate with one of the 9 week old Buff Orpington pullets. He tried it twice.

What I saw was him grab the back of her neck with his beak and try to get on her back. He failed both times, she ran off. Both times he tried it with the same pullet.

Is it normal for a cockerel that young to try and mate with a pullet?

I am wondering if he saw our mature rooster doing that to the mature hens and he thought he could do it too. Or maybe they practice before they are actually able to fertilize any eggs.

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